Live via www.Jesusislordradio.info September 30th, 2017, by Mightiest Prophet Dr. Owuor.

The LORD Jehovah, Jehovah Elohim, He has spoken with me. There is an earthquake that the Lord is sending now. He is going to send, He is going to use me to send an earthquake between, between Australia and Tasmania; I think Hobart, that kind of area. But these things were spoken about by the Lord Jesus.

Except that now we are of better understanding that these things are meant to be the landmark and the hallmark to be the masterpieces, the demarcation on the prophetic timeline for the Glorious Coming of the Messiah: they mark the coming of the LORD.

So, I have seen the LORD coming beloved people. And, this is yet another opportunity for any person listening to make substantive gains in righteousness, in turning away from sin, in embracing repentance, and having repentant hearts and walking in righteousness and holiness, and that the Holy Spirit will facilitate you.  He is available to do that. That is the sole reason for which He was released from on high to empower the church to overcome.

This is he about whom it was written; that I will send my Messenger to prepare the way for you before your great and dreadful day. Beloved people, prepare for the Coming of the Messiah.  I have seen the Messiah Coming.  I have also seen the church that He takes. It is a holy church, she is very holy.

Recently, most recently in January, He took me up to 20 to 30 meters to the entrance to Heaven; above the sky here.  And I see tremendous movement of a wonderful church that was entering into heaven, at the glorious steps they were stepping on as a big cloud, a huge humongous cloud opened the door to Heaven and they entered.  And the joy that was throbbing in their hearts and beaming on there faces.  And some of them got to look at me. And you know for me I get to see greater detail. Sometimes I see individual people also.  And yet I have not shared.

So surely that day will come. That day will realize. Let us be prudent, let our wisdom not fail us. Let us not focus on any other thing, but let us train our focus now on achieving the goal that without holiness nobody will see the Lord.  That we make progress and we develop on a daily basis from glory to glory to become more righteous to become holier, to live a holier life. To become holy that the Holy Spirit may then embed his mark, leave His footprint in our lives that we may adhere to righteousness and holiness and they may now become the hallmark of our lives and the signature of our identities. That we may shine light to this perishing world and harvest the souls. The Messiah is Coming, beloved.

Toda, Toda Raba, L’chaim. Toda, Erev Tov, which is ‘good evening’ in Hebrew.



Live via www.Jesusislordradio.info September 30th, 2017, Mightiest Prophet Dr. Owuor.

The LORD Jehovah, Jehovah Elohim, He has spoken with me. The LORD Jehovah, El Olam, the Holy One of Israel, He spoke with me this past night. And in that conversation the LORD came and spoke to me by Voice. God the Father spoke to me by Voice, and by Voice He said that right now I can take the Ark of the Covenant of the LORD to literally any nation on the face of the Earth and bring down idol worship.

Again, the LORD Jehovah, He spoke with me this past night, yesterday at night, while I was having a meeting yesterday, in the office. And then, the LORD Jehovah made me fall asleep and by Voice, by Voice, He said, I can literally take the Ark of the Covenant of the LORD to literally any nation on the face of the Earth. I can take the Ark of the Covenant of the LORD to literally any nation on the face of the Earth and bring down idol worship.

And so, this when I heard, then I woke up and I was very astounded by this conversation, this manner of conversation, and commissioning by God the Father Himself. I know very, very, well that your listeners world over, and within the national scene they well perceive they well understand that the prophetic time-line of the LORD has shifted that the time in heaven has shifted; that at this hour all indications have it that the church is sitting on the verge of Eternity.

And the oracles regarding righteousness and holiness, a repentant heart, and all the standards the LORD has placed in the Word for the church, on how we should prepare. I think that is absolutely very clear this hour, world over.

The LORD has spoken very eloquently in His grace, and authority about the need for the church at this hour to embrace repentance. In other words, go through and be processed through a “Repentance Revival.” And that only the church that will be processed through a “Repentance Revival,” will be a bona fide, bona fidé (Español pronunciation) will, will qualify for the citizenry of Heaven. Because their name will be found in the Book of Life, which is a ledger and a register. It is the book that contains a list of all righteous people that will enter the Kingdom of God.

And I know that it has been well said by he that speaks with you that the role of the Holy Spirit at this time is essentially to facilitate the church, to be able to perceive the treasure the value of righteousness; the value of holiness strictly based on revealing giving a greater understanding to the church on the holy nature of Christ Jesus the Messiah; strictly based on unveiling to us the holy nature of God the Father, our Father in Heaven, Himself.

And so, yesterday, in a very tremendous way, the LORD steals me into sleep; I was having a meeting in the office. And then, I fell asleep. And at that time, by Voice, by Voice He said that I can take the Ark of the Covenant to literally any nation on the face of the Earth and bring down idol worship: the Ark of the Covenant of the LORD.

I know that a week or so before I did share with you briefly on a tremendous encounter, a very unique and very special visitation of the LORD. When the LORD took me to His Throne Room in Heaven, and then He began to unveil to me the deeper, inner secrets of the Throne Room, the Ark of the Covenant of the LORD being very central in that conversation.

And I spoke with you as how when I looked inside the Ark of the Covenant of the LORD, lightning struck the Bible, lightning struck the inside of the Ark of the Covenant 3 times. And there was a Bible sitting there, not a jar of manna, not Aaron’s budded rod, but a Bible that was sealed; and the Bible was struck by lightning 3 times, and that Bible was now openable. But prior to that, right before the Lord allowed me to draw close, and look into the Ark of the Covenant of the LORD, in the Throne Toom of God in Heaven.

I remembered too well that He that was speaking with me places His hand on my shoulder, and I place my hand on His shoulder, and we lift up our hands and pray, in front of the Ark of the Covenant of the LORD. Because the Cherubi of Glory had walked on the golden path, and He placed the Ark of the Covenant of the LORD, the Ark of the New Covenant of the LORD right at the Throne Position. The Holy of Holies of Heaven, the Upper Chambers of Heaven.

And I know that I had began a slight conversation with you regarding the Ark of the Covenant of the LORD. And, I said that the Ark of the Covenant is the true manifestation of God’s kind, God’s nature, if you so will. That nature that He has that portion of it that He has decided to release to us, to unveil to us, to reveal to us that we may get to know Him. And, I said also, that in revealing, in giving a revelation of Himself unto us through the unveiling of the Ark of the Covenant in the Throne Room of God, in Heaven, He has essentially presented Himself: His nature as the God of holiness, the God of judgment.

And I said, the God of mercy, the God of judgment, because you know that even where the Ark of the Covenant was placed in the Old Covenant nobody went. A God of judgment, because we know what happened to the young man in Beth Shemesh. We know what happened to Uzzah.

But a God of mercy, because now the Mercy Seat is on top and the blood of Jesus is poured on the Mercy Seat for propitiation, for the atonement, the appeasing of God, for the atonement of all the sins of all men born and not yet born. “For God so loved the world…that whosoever believeth in him may not perish, but have everlasting life.” And He speaks about the value of repentance in that phrase. The God of love, because that’s where love was fought. The God of life, because life is attainable now, life eternal.

And, I said, the Bible replaces the manna. And, I said, the Bible is also in a very prophetic way the symbolism of the Word…”In the beginning was the Word.” So, in Christ Jesus, the Prophet of the Bible, the Prophet of the Covenant of the Ark of the New Covenant of the LORD. And so, for the LORD now to tell me that I can take the Ark of the Covenant of God that He showed me in Heaven to all the nations and bring down idle worship; it can only tell you that right in front of us here, there’s going to be a tremendous conflict between good and evil.

Because we know that the LORD, He is holy. And we know the current human nature that mankind has a tendency to sin. The flesh has a greater propensity, tendency to incline, to tend to towards sin. And that is why I see that right now there is so much happening on the Earth.

There is so much happening in the ocean, in the Atlantic Ocean, the nations that I warned in the Caribbean, the Americas, the United States of America, Florida that I warned, I warned the cities within the Gulf of Mexico that I warned way back in 2005 from Machakos. I mean, at this time, there is so much that is happening in Mexico.

But all these have a common denominator. They have a common message. The message is that the LORD said, that at this hour we need to prepare for the glorious coming of the Messiah. And number 2, at this hour also, there will be zero-tolerance to sin in the church. The church being man, man, any man created of Jehovah, and also the institution of the House of the LORD.

And so, the LORD has spoken with me again about the Ark of the Covenant of the LORD in Heaven, the Ark of the Covenant New Covenant of the LORD that He showed me recently when He took me into His Throne Room, in the Upper Chambers of Heaven, the Holies of Holies, the Holy of Holies in Heaven, and behind, of course, I saw the River of Life.

So, for the LORD to be saying to me now that I can take the Ark of the Covenant to literally any nation, and bring down all idols, or any idol worship that essentially speaks about the visitation of God the Father on the Earth. The visitation of God the Father across the nations. And, I know that next year, again we begin our missions to many, many nations all across Europe and we’re targeting Asia, South Korea, and many more nations down, Malaysia, Singapore, and coming towards Europe, United States of America. And many, many…Portugal is really in the front-line of all of these. And so, I know that next year again, the missions to the nations begins.

But, you now hear that He has said, that in those missions I shall bring to those nations the Ark of the New Covenant of the LORD that He showed me in Heaven. And that means, the glory of the Lord is entabernacled right now! The glory of the LORD is visiting. The Father is visiting the nations now, and He is visiting to purge sin and to prepare the way for the glorious Coming of the Messiah. I think that there is no greater time to be a Christian then to live to see this tremendous, very dramatic time, the grand finale as we prepare to receive the Christ, the Anointed One, the Messiah, the King of Glory, my LORD.

And so, that taking of the Ark of the Covenant of the LORD to literally all nations, also bespeaks a lot of responsibility. Because we know very well what is happening in Mexico now. But when the LORD sent me there they didn’t did not know that there would be a visitation of the Glory of the LORD. And henceforth, from that point on, there would be zero-tolerance to this rampant and blatant devil worship, satanic worship, and idol adoration, and worship. But that is not any different now to all the other nations that the LORD is now gearing and training His focus on.

Europe, Africa, Asia, many nations across the world. Latin America, I know that next year we are coming back to Latin America. We’re going to go to countries…to Costa Rica. We’re going to go to many, many nations now, into Latin America and revisit Chile also. Brazil they are waiting. Argentina, El Salvador we have received communications from those areas. But He’s saying that in those missions, He is saying, there is going to now be a certain level of responsibility, because there is going to be a visitation of the LORD in those missions, and then zero-tolerance to sin.

Because when then the Ark, when the Ark was brought next to Dagon, Dagon crashed. Dagon essentially, crashed. The LORD crashed Dagon, He slaughtered his head. He beheaded him and slashed off his arm; his arms were slashed off.  And so, I’m saying, that even as we enjoy this tremendous dispensation within the life of the Earth, the life of the church we must be awake to the fact that this is also the hour at which the bar on responsibility is high. And as expected, for the grand finale, for the finishing game that Christ Jesus may have a smile on His face and say, ‘Surely, yes. There was a reason to go to the Cross, to go to the Cross.’


Because at least the church has made it; she has defeated sin. And so, yesterday while I was sitting in the office at night, then I fell asleep. The LORD stole me and then He spoke to me by dream and He said, “Now from this point, point on, I can take the Ark of the New Covenant of the LORD that He showed me in Heaven to literally any nation on the face of the Earth, and bring down idol worship.”

So, that also speaks about the tremendous time of judgment in the purging off, in the cleaning off of sin, and preparing the way. Because now we live in a very wicked world. Unless they see the power of the LORD, sometimes, there is inertia to change, resistance to change, slowness to move.

But the Messiah is Coming, Christ the Messiah is Coming.

And I would like to encourage all people to adhere to righteousness, to make every effort and endeavor to walk in holiness, to pursue it with every zeal, every fiber of their being, to make holiness and righteousness –holy living– the centerpiece of their lives on this Earth.


Because we are sitting on the verge of Eternity; that is obvious now. Look at what happened to the islands of the Caribbean, for failure to listen. Look at what happened to Florida, to the United States of America, Houston, for failure to obey. Look at what happened to Mexico. Look at the current shaking of almost a huge chunk of the earth that is going on. And I know that there is an earthquake that the LORD is sending now. He is going to send, He is going to use me to send an earthquake between, between Australia and Tasmania, I think Hobart, that kind of area.

But these things were spoken about by the LORD Jesus, except that now we are of better understanding that these things are meant to be the landmark and the hallmarks, to be the masterpieces, the demarcation on the prophetic time-line for the glorious Coming of the Messiah; they mark the coming of the LORD.

So I have seen the LORD coming beloved people.

And, this is yet another opportunity for any person listening to make substantive gains in righteousness, in turning away from sin, in embracing repentance, and having repentant hearts, and walking in righteousness and holiness that the Holy Spirit will facilitate you. He is available to do that. That is the sole reason for which He was released from on High to empower the church to overcome. This is He of about whom it was written that ‘I will send My Messenger to prepare the way for you, before Your great and dreadful day.’

Beloved people, prepare for the Coming of the Messiah. I have seen the Messiah Coming.

I have also seen the church that He takes. It is a holy church; she’s very holy. Recently, most recently in January, He took me up 20 to 30 meters to the entrance of Heaven, above the sky here. And, I saw tremendous movement of a wonderful church that was entering into Heaven, as the glorious steps they were stepping on as the big cloud, a huge cloud, a humongous cloud, opened the door to Heaven, and they entered; and the joy that was throbbing in their hearts and beaming on their faces, and some of them got to look at me.

And you know, for me, I get to see greater details. Sometimes I see individual people also. And yet, I have not shared. So surely that day will come; that day will realize. Let us be prudent, let our wisdom not fail us.

Let us not focus on any other thing, but let us train our focus now on achieving the goal, ‘That without holiness, nobody will see the Lord.’ That we make progress and we develop on a daily basis from glory to glory, to become more righteous, to become holier, to live a holier your life, to become holy, that the Holy Spirit may then embed His mark, leave His footprint in our lives that we may adhere to righteousness and holiness and they may now become the hallmark of our lives and the signature of our identities that we may shine light to this perishing world and harvest the souls.

The Messiah is Coming, beloved.

Todah, Todah, Todah, Rabah. L’chaim, Todah, Erev Tov.

Which is good evening, in Hebrew.



Live via www.Jesusislordradio.info September 24th, 2017, by Mightiest Prophet Dr. Owuor.

I know that people are gathered in their churches all across this nation and also, other nations. This morning, before you begin your services in this country, those who are in the Ministry of Repentance and Holiness; I wanted to bring this to your attention this morning. That you have seen for yourselves what the LORD is doing across the Earth.

You have seen for yourselves how the LORD is speaking and what He is doing. And you can see for yourselves before you begin this service today, the Sunday service in this land. You have seen for yourselves that at this hour the LORD is making it very clear to all the nations that time has changed in Heaven. Time has indeed changed in Heaven regarding the coming of the Messiah.

And I know that I have spoken with you very clearly. I have spoken faithfully, everything the LORD has spoken with me regarding the coming of the Messiah. The church at the entrance to Heaven at the gate, 20 to 30 meters from the door, I see you entering; the Church that is holy. And, I’ve also spoken most recently, about a few days ago, I think less than a week ago about the Messiah coming, and the Heavenly Hosts accompanying Him, and the Voice of the LORD, God the Father, instructing me, telling me about the Heavenly Hosts that attend His coming.

You can see very clearly that the LORD is speaking in very, very open terms to the church and to the nations that there is eternity beyond this Earth. That now is the time at which the Christians and the nations that will dare to listen can be more Heavenly focused.  So, as you begin your service today, I just want to exalt you. I want to raise this before you.

For example, in the Book of 2 Timothy 2:19, He says,

Nevertheless, God’s solid foundation stands firm, sealed with the following inscription, with this inscription: “The LORD knows those who are His and everyone who confesses the name of the LORD must turn away from sin, must turn away from wickedness.” And then, He goes on to say, “In a large house there are articles not only of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay.” And He says, “Some are for special purposes and some for common use.” The other version says, “Some are for noble purposes and other for ignoble purposes.” He goes on to say, verse 21: He goes on to say, “Those who cleanse themselves from the latter will be instruments for special purpose and made holy, useful to the master, and prepared to do any good work.”

2 Timothy 2:19-21 New International Version (NIV)

19 Nevertheless, God’s solid foundation stands firm, sealed with this inscription: “The LORD knows those who are his,” and, “Everyone who confesses the name of the LORD must turn away from wickedness.”

20 In a large house there are articles not only of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay; some are for special purposes and some for common use.

21 Those who cleanse themselves from the latter will be instruments for special purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work.

So, I want to raise this to you, because I know that you are sitting at a time now when you really understand that the LORD is speaking very clearly to the whole Earth and the LORD is saying to this Earth that the Earth will come to an end. This Earth is going to come to an end.  And if there is anything, any message that comes out of it, out of all this happening that you see is happening across the Earth, and many more that are coming.  Many earthquakes that are coming. Like the earthquake between Tasmania and Australia that has not yet happened; and many, many different prophecies spoken, the planets and all that.

You understand that the most important message that the LORD is underscoring to the church is to prepare and turn away from sin.

So, this morning what I want to raise before you is the fact that this is the hour at which you must make deliberate and personal effort to turn away from sin.  I know that beginning next year, I’m going to have now a greater focus on other nations.  But for now, for now, as the LORD begins to put everything together here on this revival in this land, as we begin now to prepare for the Mega Meeting on the celebration, the National Thanksgiving Celebration, on the resurrection of Mama Rosa, and also the visit to Cheparten, and as we prepare to do all of this.

And then, next year, you are very much aware that there is going to be greater focus on approaching other nations that they too, may now, being awakened by the monumental occurrences across the globe; they may now take these visitations more seriously, the way you Kenyans have taken it more seriously.

Now the message is this He says, “This is the time to turn away from sin!” He says, “This is the time at which the LORD defines ‘His people.’”  And He says, “And those who are His, He knows them.”  And they are that description.  They have turned away from sin so they are now of noble use and purpose.  So the LORD can use them. There is a tremendous revival and this revival is open to all nations.  And I see that the church in Kenya you have embraced this revival with greater reverence.

I want to really encourage you to continue in the reverence and the humility that you have shown towards this revival.  Only that takes you to Heaven. Don’t be like the other churches…the churches in Mexico where I went, a lot of pride and all that. You know. hmm

You see (speaking in Spanish). You know. So much, so much happened there.  But I’m saying, the most important message the church needs to receive now is that this is the hour to present humility before the LORD and to turn away from sin.  The LORD is not going to respect any statures, any nationalities whatsoever at this hour.

I saw lightning strike inside the Ark of the Covenant three (3) times.  The lightning struck the Ark of the Covenant three (3) times, the inside and there is so much I’ve not shared on that.  I saw then the earthquake that hit the Ark of the Covenant the inside of the Ark of the Covenant. hmm

And so, you see very clearly that that I have said is the same lightning that struck on the cross.  It is the same earthquake that hit the earth when Jesus was crucified.  And I said the Bible was openable. Meaning, the seals you see in Revelation chapter 6 were then broken, so that’s the blueprint on salvation of man was now unveiled. So, now then the Word, the Word was opened up.  “In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, the Word was God.  The Word was light and life.  In that light was life and darkness has never understood it, until now. It chased away the darkness. There was no compromise. There was no discussion with the darkness. Everything that happened there was an overthrow of darkness.

So this is the hour which now I want to encourage the church in Kenya here, and those who are listening abroad; to turn away from sin!  Turn away from sin!  Make every effort to turn away from sin and pride. Keep pride away!  You see now, many nations are suffering at this hour.  And this is a dreadful hour and I’ve seen bigger things coming ahead of me here. Greater things coming to the nations.  And Daniel says, “And those whose names will be written in the Lambs Book of Life will be delivered.”

So, I’ve seen so much more happening, coming to happen to the nations as the Messiah comes to the church. However, it happens to them because of pride. The pride you see, the wordliness that has slipped into the church and transformed the worship experience, the pride you see in the church in the USA; where they are so proud, they “know it all.”  They “know it all.” That why most of the time the Man of God cannot deal with them…they “know it all.”  So then if you know it all, I am irrelevant.  You don’t need me then.  They “know it all.”

But the humility that you, the Kenyan church have taken. Where, when the Man of God came, when the LORD sent His Servant the Great Prophet here, you surrendered everything and stayed like babies.  ‘We want to learn from step one (1).’  You moved out. People surrendered their churches.  They moved in with their churches and said, ‘Please teach us the ways of the LORD.’  And then, now, you see the biggest revival in the history of the bible is throbbing in this land.

So, I want to encourage you even today as you begin your service, to understand that there is a zero tolerance to sin.  Because that lightning that struck, the lightning that struck three (3) times inside the Ark of the Covenant it talked about the anger of God against sin.  In other words, the wrath of God against sin.  God does not like sin.  He hates sin as you can now tell.  And He says, it also reflected, it was the same lightning that struck on the cross. Which means, within the same place, at which the lightning takes place; also the blood of Jesus is poured on the mercy seat.  And so, that is now the grace.  But that grace has no tolerance to sin.

And that is why I want to encourage all of you, wherever you are…in all these churches, the churches that have humbled and received the message of the LORD, and embraced repentance and turning away from sin as a life-style in church, in Christianity. I want to encourage all of you.  The humble church in Kenya, I want to encourage you to continue
turning away from sin.  Stay away from sin and wickedness.  You will not enter Heaven with sin.  It does not matter if you are a professor, you’re a lawyer, you’re a doctor, you’re a widow, a poor boy, whoever, educated, athlete or what.

Those things will not matter.

But, sin, sin, sin, will keep the church from entry!

I have seen the church enter.  I have been given instruction on the entry of the church.  So please keep away from sin and embrace humility that you may receive a greater portion on
the revival of the end that is throbbing the Earth at this time.

Again, I want to repeat this.  He says, ‘those who are His have turned away from sin.’  The LORD knows those who are His and everyone who confesses the name of the LORD…He says, turns away from wickedness.  That must be the benchmark that must be the standard of your worship on a daily basis.  And the humility that you have here –it is my prayer– that many other nations, globally –wherever they are– all those nations in Europe and everywhere, they will embrace humility.  I go to those nations, you see, they “know it all” sometimes, you know, they don’t want to and they are in the modern…the LORD reports them to me before I go to them.

So, for you, you’re blessed, because unto you wisdom has been revealed.  Your humility in this land, your repentantness, repentant hearts, your brokenness before the LORD, your honor unto this revival; now those are the treasures you continue to propel as you move towards the coming of the Messiah.  So in your worship today, again, the bottom line, the very bottom line is –zero tolerance to sin– that the LORD still has. And, He knows very well that He gave His one and only begotten Son whose blood poured on that mercy seat.

However, he warns in Hebrews 6:4-6, and Hebrews 10:26-31, 2 Peter 2:19-22, He warns on the abuse the grace. That is why you see the lightning that struck the Ark of the Covenant.  It bespoke the anger of God against sin. God hates sin. God’s wrath will continue to consume sin during this dispensation of purging worship, of preparing the church for the coming of the Messiah.

I have blessed your service.

I have blessed you, in the Mighty Name of Jesus!



Live via www.Jesusislordradio.info September 19th, 2017, by Mightiest Prophet Dr. Owuor.

The LORD Jehovah has spoken with me.   And I want to share this conversation with all the listeners, globally. The LORD Jehovah Elohim, Jehovah Misphat, Jehovah Hashopet, the Judge, the One that will summon the nations to the Valley of Jehoshaphat, the Valley of Jehovah the Judge, He spoke with me this night.  And in this conversation today the LORD spoke to me about the current judgment of the LORD that is ongoing. The Judgment of the LORD that I spoke on July 25th, the year 2017 that I spoke live here on JesusisLORD radio regarding the tremendous historic Judgment of the LORD that would come to the Americas, to the islands, to the Caribbean, and to the United States of America.

This past night, the whole night after this conversation on the return of the Messiah to take the holy, righteous, mature, and glorious church without stain, without wrinkle, after that first conversation, then the entire night –the LORD spoke the entire– the entire night. It ended only two (2) hours ago.  The entire night the LORD literally spoke to me about the storm that is coming to the islands, and also coming to the United States of America; big flooding and this time around the LORD first begun by showing me as to the islands.

I see a man that is holding an animal.  And this animal is kind of a gray fur has a fur –a skin that has fur that is gray– it is an animal. And this animal was being slaughtered and being sacrificed in the islands.  And so it was such a very filthy, and disgusting thing to see. So the LORD is coming up against witchcraft in those Islands.  Apparently, there has been a lot of witchcraft in those islands.  The LORD is now raising that in this second bout; He’s raising that, that His wrath the anger of the LORD has been stirred up by the witchcraft. And all of you know that anything that is witchcraft constitutes an idolatry; the worshiping of another, and wickedness, evil, practice of evil before the LORD, shunning the LORD and worshipping another; worshipping another power so-called, another spirit or whatever.

So the LORD has spoken with me about the tremendous witchcraft in these islands and He is coming to sweep the witchcraft.  He is coming to strike the witchcraft in the islands of the Caribbean.  And this is a very stern warning to the Caribbean, again, that this time around it is going to be unbelievable.  Because after that the LORD showed me the storm that was raging, and I think because of the debris of the destruction of the first judgment I spoke, when I called out the ocean to come to them, now this is going to be worse because of that debris.

It is going to be a storm.  I see a total storm and the visibility is very low, and then a lot of things are swung in the air: metals, and what, wood, so it is going to be very deadly this time around.  And then the LORD shows me a building, a tall building.  I don’t know whether this is Puerto Rico.  I think Puerto Rico has these types of buildings, and many other places.  I do not know whether down in Florida, or the United States, but I see a tall building, and then the LORD shows me how the flood waters come and reach almost the second floor –around there.

I think this is the second floor of the building, and then the voice of the LORD said, and then He says, “The entire city is under siege.”

So I see a lot of water this time around, it is a lot of water.  He is going to submerge them. It is unbelievable the wrath of God that is coming up against these nations.  The nations of the islands of the Americas, the Americas, the islands, the Caribbean, and the United States of America.

And so the escalation of the Judgment of the LORD is on; the ocean is currently as we speak in complete obedience, and is in the process of obeying the words of the Mighty Prophet of the LORD to come out and pursue them and chase them away, and to pursue them into greater inland for failure to obey this Voice; for failure to repent.

This time around the Americas, the islands of the Caribbean, and the United States of America will never, ever ignore this Voice again.  This time around the LORD is solely determined and is surely determined that they will never. ever ignore this Voice again.

They have heard this Voice.  They have ignored it for many years; but, this time around the LORD is determined to compel them, to cause them to cry for help.  They will never ever ignore this Voice again.  Yesterday, the LORD spoke with me about a senior leader –a top leadership– in the US that was looking for me to meet me to discuss these things.  So the wrath of God is very severe, and right now the LORD has escalated, and the ocean has repented.  You can see now that the ocean repented very fully, because man refused to repent in the Caribbean, and those islands in the Americas, and in the United States of America.  And now there is a big flood!  A big flood and the Voice of the LORD said, “The entire city is under.” He used the word “under.”

“The entire city is under siege.”

So you will hear some of these words in the media again.  You will hear the media saying, “The entire city is under siege.”  And I see floodwaters totally cover; cover the city, so it is going to be a tremendous moment an awakening moment for the nation of the United States of America, for the nations in the islands, in the Americas, and in the Caribbean.

The islands of the Caribbean’s have heard this Voice.  I have been to Puerto Plata in Dominican Republic.  I have been to Ciudad, Santiago.  I have been to also to Ciudad, Higuey, which is close to Haiti, when I brought the prophecy of the Haiti earthquake.  And the same issues were laid on the table, in that conversation between the LORD, and the island of Hispaniola and the entire Caribbean.  The LORD raised the issue of sexual sin, homosexuality, lesbianism, and witchcraft.

And that was the time I was going around warning on the coming of the Haiti earthquake. And if I remember well it must have been November 22nd all the way to 29th, the year 2009, before it happened, on January 12th, 2010.  So those islands know this Voice.  They have heard this Voice, but they have not repented.  The LORD has spoken to me to greater length about the condition of the church there.

Now, I see witchcraft that the people the LORD created to worship Him.  I see somebody holding an animal, and that animal has a grayish skin fur, fur actually and he was holding from the head.  I think he has slaughtered it or something.  And they are sacrificing.  But I am telling you that no amount of witchcraft, or foreign and strange worship will save you from the wrath of the LORD.  The the reason the LORD is doing this is because the Messiah is coming.  And this is the hour to now prepare.

This past night, the LORD showed me again the coming of the Messiah.  And this time around the Voice of the LORD spoke about the Heavenly Hosts that were accompanying Him.  And it is a tremendous sight to behold. He is coming with pomp and color.  He is coming as a Triumphant King.  He is not coming to preach the gospel, in the byways, in the streets, in the muddy roads, and to argue with the Pharisees and Sadducees.  But He is coming as a Victorious King that is coming to take the church that has sustained and lived in righteousness.

So there is a tremendous judgment that is coming to the islands of the Caribbean.  I have seen it this night.  The LORD has escalated this the entire night.  In fact, He spent the entire night speaking about the storm, and showing me the storm that would happen, and the storm is so bad because there is debris from the first judgment I spoke to those islands when I commanded the ocean to come out, and in the event that they do not repent –and when they did not repent– sure enough the ocean repented, and fully obeyed!

You can see right now that that ocean has fully repented.  And that is why it is in the process of actively obeying the command of the Word of the LORD spoken by He that speaks with you today, The Mighty Prophet of Jehovah Yahweh, The Mighty Prophet of Israel.

So right now as we speak the LORD has shown me this night the water coming.  And I see a tall building; I don’t know where whether it is Puerto Rico, but this appears to be in the Caribbean, even the storm, before it hits the United States.  And so I see the water; this tall building, the water comes up to probably the second floor.  That is the level of submerging the LORD is going to do.  And then the Voice of the LORD said, “The entire city is under siege.” The word is “under siege.”

So you will hear this in your news media.  You will hear this in your news international, and global news outlet, when they will be talking about the entire city under siege by flood. I have seen the water.  I even see it now as I speak with you.  So this is a tremendous time in the history of the church.  And this is a warning to the United States of America that you cannot continue to ignore this Voice!

This is a warning again to the Caribbean the islands of the Caribbean.  I have been to Trinidad and Tobago, also.  And they have not repented.  I have not seen a national repentance there.  I’ve been to many places around that Caribbean speaking the Message of Repentance and preparing the way for the glorious coming of the Messiah.  Now the Bible speaks very clearly, in the book of Isaiah 3:13.  In Isaiah 3:13 this is what the LORD says. This is what He says, at the moment, Isaiah chapter 3:13.

If I read NIV He says,

Isaiah 3:13

“The LORD takes his place in court. He rises to judge the people.”

And in the Amplified He says,

Isaiah 3:13

“The LORD stands up to contend, and stands to judge the people, the peoples, and His people.”

So you see right now the LORD is speaking about sin in the church.  The LORD is saying that this practice that He has been speaking to me continuously about the foreign worship: this strange worship that you see celebrated, in the United States of America.  And in the Americas, and the Western Hemisphere this strange and foreign worship that you see in the House of the LORD in the church that you see in the Caribbean where sometimes the LORD shows me the pastors there.

I see them before he goes to church.  I see this pastor who is going somewhere –con queso– so he is with cheese.  So he is eating some meat which is well-prepared. There is a way this lady serves, I believe it is a place for lunch.  She serves that cheese, she prepares nice cheese, with beef.

And then I see the bread he is eating.  And when he eats it, he eats with cheese.  And when he walks into his…then he tells this lady, she asks him, asked him before the pastor goes to church, she asked him,

“Do you really like it?”
“Yes, I love it very much.”

And I see this pastor and then he eats that cheese.  There is a way cheese is used to prepare the beef with the bread.  So he is taking the bread, tortilla, or whatever, and eating with cheese, they speak Spanish.  And then he comes, as he enters the inner room where he is supposed to pay her, and then he touches her breast.

So this kind of strange worship has now caught the attention of the LORD.  This kind of malpractice in the House of the LORD; the wickedness of strange worship that you see in the United States of America, and Houston, Texas is center, all the way to Crossroads Mall, in San Antonio, Texas, all the way down to Chicago, all the way to Oklahoma, Tulsa is the center of it all.  This kind of defiled worship that leads to hell.

The LORD is saying, “It is now time out.” And he is coming to purge the worship. He is coming to purify the worship. and that is why the LORD is talking about standing and rising up and judging they that do not obey Him.


Because I have seen the Messiah coming.  And it surely time out for foreign worship in the church, the immorality; the immorality that you see in the church, the abortion where the young girls are running around with pastors; (uh) where women are dressing in ways of nudity; homosexuality is not rebuked in the United States of America.  They are enacting laws that protect homosexuals.  The LORD is saying He is now rising up and coming against that foreign worship in the land; that malpractice strange worship in the land will now be purged off.  This whole thing you see where now the homosexuals are in the army –kind of institutionalized and legalized– and they can get married.

Since when does that happen before the LORD?

The Earth and everything therein belongs to the LORD.  Only the LORD created man and the earth.  And now He has unleashed His judgment, a tremendous judgment of the LORD that is coming.  And He says in the book of Psalms 50:4, He says,

Psalms 50:4
“He summons the heavens above, and the earth, that he may judge his people:”

So these are the times, the tremendous times when the LORD is now rising up to assert His authority on the glorious coming of the Messiah.  And nobody can endure this.  Now I would like to read briefly, at this moment, I would like to read very briefly at this moment from the Bible, book of Hebrews 6:4-6, beloved people that I may bring light to you on why the LORD has decided to bring tremendous judgment to these nations: the warning of the LORD now goes out to the Caribbean Islands again, and it goes out to the Americas, to the islands the centers and the paradise of sexual sin.

And the LORD says there are historic floods coming, in the event that you still failed to repent.  The call to repent was July 25th, 2017.  And the LORD is firm, very firm on that requirement for repentance.  Now I am reading from the Bible, in the book of Hebrews 6:4-6. This is what He says, He says,

Hebrews 6:4-6
“It is impossible for those who…”
If I were you I would underline ‘impossible’. It is impossible, meaning not possible.

It is impossible for those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, who have shared in the Holy Spirit…

Again, He says,

“Enlightened, tasted in the Heavenly gift, and shared in the Holy Spirit.”

Those three very important benchmarks, you know?

In verse 5 He says,

Hebrews 6:5
“Who have tasted the goodness of the Word of God and the powers of the coming age.”

Hebrews 6:6
“If they fall away…”

In other words it is impossible.

“If they fall away to be brought back to repentance.”

Because why? He says,

Hebrews 6:6
“To be brought back to repentance because to their loss they are crucifying Christ Jesus the Son of God all over again and subjecting him to public shame, public disgrace.”

So that is a very powerful scripture the LORD is giving at this hour when He has promised to come and purge, and judge the islands of the Caribbean, and the ocean is in full obedience of the words of the Prophet of Israel right now.

The ocean is in full obedience as we speak right now: total obedience, complete compliance to the Word of the Mighty Prophet of Jehovah.  And He says, in coming to purge them off. He is reminding the United States of America, and He is reminding the islands of the Caribbean.  And this stands out as a strong warning to all the other nations that are listening to this command, and this instruction and this warning.

He is saying the following: that in the book of Hebrews, the book of Hebrews chapter 6:4-6, He is talking about it is impossible.  He uses the word ‘impossible’ for those who have once been enlightened, and have tasted the Heavenly gift.  If you want to understand the most important part of this command of this warning, and this instruction to repentance it is this. He says, “Enlightened, those who have tasted the Heavenly gift, and have become partakers of the Holy Spirit.”

Those three benchmarks.  He raises them at this hour, as He builds the case and the file against the United States of America, the church of the United States of America, and also the islands of the Caribbean.  He is saying, those who have been enlightened, tasted the Heavenly gift, and have become partakers of the Holy Spirit.

What does He mean by that?

In other words, He is saying those are the people that have been born again.  They have repented at one point, and received Christ Jesus as LORD, and they have received the biblical instruction of scripture.  And we all know the scripture instructs on nothing else accept the truth of God.  And the truth of God is that God He is holy!

That the LORD Jehovah, He is holy. The truth that the scripture instructs, the instruction that scripture gives to these people is that the LORD Jesus He died on the cross to deliver us from sin.  And that the Holy Spirit has come to facilitate us, to empower us to overcome sin.

So He is instructing those;

1. Those who have been enlightened;
2. Those who have tasted the Heavenly gift;
3. Those who have received the Holy Spirit.

And He goes on to say, those who have even understood.  They have tested the goodness of the Word of God, and the powers of the coming age.  Those anticipating the coming of the Kingdom of Glory.   Meaning, He is addressing the church.  And He is saying that if they fall away, meaning, He is saying, “You cannot continue abusing the grace in the United States of America, and in the islands of the Caribbean the way you have done over the ages, over the years.


Because now the LORD has brought forth the Voice of the Angel of Judgment that is sweeping across the Earth.

 Now the LORD has brought forth the authority, and the power that will prepare the way for the glorious coming of the Messiah.  And He is saying that there is no way you could receive the LORD; received the only gift, the only gift we received from Heaven the gift of the Salvation of Christ Jesus on the cross, dying on the cross and resurrecting for us to exemplify, to dramatize, to demonstrate and give us hope to be able to in-build that also in us that, yes, death has been defeated.

The defeating of death on the cross you received that Jesus, and then you go back to the practice I see in the church in the United States of America, when you watch all the television: the TBN, the Daystar TV, Inspiration TV, when you watch all of this Christian TV of the United States of America it is a shame.  It is a shame!  Because you see false prophets, false apostles.  You see falsehood being practiced there.

You see them preaching an horizontal gospel, an Earthly gospel that is focusing people not into the Heavenly realm not into the Heavenly inheritance not unto the glorious Coming of the Messiah, but focusing them on the Earthly realm: how to live well, and stay well on this Earth.

They are busy merchandising.  They are selling things on TV; it has become a shame!  A shame and a disgrace unto our LORD Jesus.  He says, “Except to their loss, they have crucified the Son of God all over again.”

And the islands of the Caribbean have been at the center of this.  The “Gospel According to 2017”, right now, “September Standard Version.”  These people have taken the glorious gospel of Jesus.  These nations have taken the only hope for this Earth. You can see this Earth is not an eternal home.

You can see that this Earth has so much travail, so much tribulation, so much disease, and sickness, depression, oppression, sick husband, sick wife, sick children.  There is so much unrest in this earth: bloodshed, theft, deception, everything.  But they have taken the glorious hope from Calvary, the hope of Calvary.  They have taken the glorious gospel, the only hope for the world, for the Earth, for the church and they have turned it around and commercialized it; such that now the churches in the United States the Christians in the United States are focused on an Earthly living.


Because they have disconnected them, deliberately made a disconnect from the righteous and holy requirements of the LORD.  That is why the LORD is now shaking the church in the Caribbean.

He is shaking the church in the United States of America, and there is no question about the fact that now you have entered the realm of the Judgment of the LORD!  The Judgment of God is now reigning in the land. And you can never continue to ignore the Voice that speaketh to you. In the book of Hebrews 9, He says the following,

Hebrews 9:28
“So Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many people and He will appear a second time not to bear sin but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him.”

So this is a tremendous moment in the history of the church!


Because the LORD is saying that the hour when He is purging worship, when He is shaking the United States of America, and shaking the islands of the Caribbean, and by extension warning the other nations at this hour, He is affirming to them that you cannot abuse the gospel of grace.  You cannot continue abusing the grace the way we see blatant abuse, blatant abuse of the grace.

If you see the preachings, the dressing of women in the churches, the sheep are without a shepherd in the island, in the islands of the Caribbean, in the islands of the Americas, in the land of the United States of America.  And Canada stays on standby.  All the other nations; Central America, South America, Asia, Europe you be on standby. Your moment is coming!

Right now the LORD is focused on the islands of the Caribbean, and He says He is coming to inundate you.  He is coming to flood you to wash you away!  In your sinful practice of witchcraft, immorality, and for the church that could have been the light of the nation there is now the gospel of prosperity. The gospel of corruption!

And all this kind of strange worship has happened in the eyes of the LORD Jehovah. And the LORD Jehovah has been taking notes of every single malpractice, and abuse in His house.  And yet, the Coming of the Messiah has drawn nearer.

This night I have seen. He showed me Christ the King the Messiah my LORD.  I saw my LORD coming with a whole Entourage of Heavenly Envoy, Heavenly Host, Heavenly Delegation attending His coming.  And so He is saying that it is impossible for those who have received salvation.

Look at the history of the United States of America!  They set out as a country that would worship Jesus.  A country that would be established as a Christian country to worship Christ Jesus the LORD to establish the Revival of the LORD, but look at how secularism, how atheism, homosexuality and lesbian, LGBT, whatever the defilement you call it, alcoholism, drug addiction, immorality has consumed the nation of the United States of America to the extent that conservativism –to be a conservative today– is something like a dirty word. 

If you are conservative in the United States of America, and you stand for the biblical truth they will storm you.  The secular media will storm you.  They will ridicule you.  They will tear you apart.  It will be a strange phenomenon; it will be like a dirty word.  And so the LORD is saying, “This is the hour when worship will be restored one way or the other.” 

At one point the United States of America will learn that they are created by a Creator. There is a Creator who is above the United States of America.  There is a Creator who is above the islands of the Caribbean the paradise of immorality.  And at one point only one can worship the other, and the created must worship the Creator.  And that is why when the Messiah is Coming the rules of worship must now change.

The Voice that prepares the way for the Glorious Coming of the Messiah is reigning over the ocean.  The Voice of the LORD is right now over the ocean.  The Voice of the LORD is over the nation, and the nation must now repent and prepare the way for the glorious Coming of the Messiah.

And I warn you Kenya, also, you have to be very steady now!

Because right now the wrath of God is sweeping the nations of the Earth to prepare the way for the glorious Coming of the Messiah.  Him to whom much is given much is expected.  Much responsibility is bestowed.  You cannot be in complacency and abusiveness anymore to the Voice that speaketh now, because the LORD will hold you to account.  If He can hold those nations to that amount of account how much more Kenya?

So, Kenya, make sure that your righteousness your holiness is sustained.  And your fear of God and the fear of this Voice is well exalted, and towers high that the LORD may not turn His sword against you.

Right now, at this moment, I am reading the book of Isaiah 40 on the Coming of the Messiah, and this glorious moment that the nations have now veered.  This is the most beautiful time now, because the LORD is coming out with power now to purge the nations, to give them hope, to save them from the suffering they have gone through in practicing strange worship, in being forced to observe strange worship.

The book of Isaiah 40:10 this is what He says. He’s saying here:

Isaiah 40:10
“See the Sovereign LORD comes with power and his arm rules for him.”

But that is so powerful! He is now coming with power and His arm rules for Him, and yet when you look at the Book of Revelation 22 that I want to finish with tonight, Revelation 22:12, this is what He says:

Revelation 22:12
“Behold I am coming soon my reward is with me and I will give to everyone according to what he has done.”

The other versions say, “…according to what his hands have done.”

So this is the hour when the LORD is announcing to the nations of the earth that now be on standby the Messiah is Coming. This is the most awaited moment in the history of the Earth, ever since the Bible was written, ever since the Messiah went to the cross and resurrected!

This is now, we are now the final stretch toward the grand finale.  This is the moment for which you became a Christian; the moment for which every single person was created that you may now prepare for the glorious coming of the King of Glory, Christ the Messiah. Whether you’re a Muslim, whether you are a Hindu, whether you are a Buddhist, whether you are an atheist at this hour now you can repent and receive Christ Jesus the Messiah, and be born again, and then inherit the glorious Kingdom of Heaven.

The book of Isaiah 62:11. This is what He says, Isaiah 62:11, a beautiful scripture to describe the moment this tremendous hour that the church has veered into.

Isaiah 62:11
The LORD has made proclamation to the ends of the earth: “Say to Daughter Zion, ‘See, your Savior cometh! See, his reward is with him…’”

I have seen the Coming of the Messiah.  This is the Voice that is announcing from the Throne Room of God to the nations of the Earth, to all humanity, and all creation that behold the Messiah is Coming!  The Coming of the Messiah has drawn nigh, prepare ye the way of the LORD!  Turn away from your wayward wicked ways, and now make amends, make reformation, repent and turn away from sin, and go back to righteousness and holiness in Christ Jesus; because, I have seen the return of the LORD’s Christ.  I have seen the return of the Messiah.

This is the Voice that was promised in Scripture.  The Scripture promised that this Voice would come and awaken the nations and prepare the nations for the glorious Coming of the Messiah.  But you can see the tremendous astronomical power that this Voice has come with.  So, please do not attempt to ignore this Voice.  The Messiah is Coming!

Let every creation: the mountains, the rivers, the ocean, the trees, the rocks, let every creation, humanity prepare in righteousness, receive Christ Jesus, be born again and be holy, turn away from sin and prepare the way in their hearts for the Glorious Coming of the Messiah.

And the Voice said, “The Heavenly Hosts accompany Him.” And the Voice also said, “That the city is right now under siege from the flood.”

Those who have ears, may your wisdom help you.

The Messiah is coming.

Shalom, Shalom, Boker Tov, L’chaim!


Live via www.Jesusislordradio.info September 19th, 2017, by Mightiest Prophet Dr. Owuor.

The LORD Jehovah has spoken with me. I want to share this conversation with all the listeners globally.  The LORD Jehovah Elohim, Jehovah Mishpat, Jehovah Hashopet The Judge, the One that will summon the nations to the Valley of Jehoshaphat, the Valley of Jehovah the Judge. He spoke with me this night.

And in this conversation today the LORD has presented two major conversations that are very, very significant.  They are really, really long on desire and pray that as many as largest number can listen to this conversation.

This past night, the LORD visited me in a very, very mighty way.  And had a very, very significant conversations: two. Very significant conversations with me.

1). The first conversation the LORD had with me is when He finally showed me Christ the Messiah coming.  The LORD has again, now, shown me Christ The Messiah coming.

And when I saw the LORD coming, then the Voice of the LORD said, “He is accompanied by Heavenly Hosts.” So I saw a lot of Heavenly Hosts that accompanied Him and He was coming.

Again, this past night, the LORD lifted me up in the sky and I saw Christ The Messiah, Christ The Redeemer coming in the Cloud and I saw Him coming with quite an entourage of glory, a glorious entourage, with a serious envoy.  Then the Voice of the LORD said, “He is accompanied by the Heavenly Hosts.”  And I could see that they are attending His coming.

It is a tremendous thing that the LORD has spoken to me about.  It shocked me very much. It is finally bringing to precipitation, it is crystallizing this announcement that has been ongoing for many years regarding the coming of the Messiah.

Again, this past night, the LORD Jehovah He lifted me up into the sky, and then He showed me the Messiah, Christ the King coming with a lot of Heavenly Hosts, and then the Voice spoke and instructed me that the Heavenly Hosts I was seeing they accompany Him, as He comes for the glorious church.

This night I have seen –He showed me– Christ the King, the Messiah my LORD.  I saw my LORD coming with a whole entourage of heavenly envoy of heavenly hosts, heavenly delegation attending His coming.  Right now, at this moment, I am reading the book of Isaiah chapter 40 on the coming of the Messiah and this glorious moment that the nations have now veered.

The book of Hebrews chapter 9, He says the following, verse 28, beloved people He says the following,

Hebrews 9:28
“…so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him.”

So this is a tremendous moment in the history of the church. The book of Isaiah chapter 40:10 this is what He says, He is saying here that

Isaiah 40:10
“See, the Sovereign Lord comes with power, and His arm rules for Him.”

But that is so powerful. He is now coming with power and His arm rules for Him.

And yet when you look at the book of Revelation chapter 22 that I want to finish with tonight, Revelation 22:12, this is what He says. He says,

Revelation 22:12
“Behold, I (Jesus) am coming soon, and My reward is with Me, and I will give to everyone according to what he has done.”

The other versions say, “…according to what his hands have done”.

So this is the hour when the LORD is announcing to the nations of the earth that now be on standby the Messiah is coming. This is the most awaited moment in the history of the earth, ever since the Bible was written, ever since the Messiah went to the cross resurrected. This is now the veering –we are now in the final stretch toward the grand finale.

This is the moment for which you became a Christian. The moment for which every single person was created that you may now prepare for the glorious coming of the King of Glory, Christ the Messiah, whether you’re a Muslim, whether you’re a Hindu, whether you are Buddhist, weather atheist at this hour now you can repent and receive Christ Jesus the Messiah and be born again and then inherit the glorious Kingdom of Heaven!

The book of Isaiah chapter 62 verse 11 this is what He says, again Isaiah 62:11, a beautiful scripture to describe the moment this tremendous hour that the church has veered into. Isaiah chapter 62:11 He says,

Isaiah 62:11
The Lord has made proclamation to the ends of the earth:
“Say to Daughter Zion,
‘See, your Savior come!
See, his reward is with him,”

I have seen the coming of the Messiah. This is the Voice that is announcing from the Throne Room of God to the nations of the earth, to all humanity and all creation that behold the Messiah is coming! The coming of the Messiah has drawn nigh.  Prepare ye the way of the LORD.  Turn away from your wayward wicked ways, and now make amends make reformation, repent and turn away from sin, and go back to righteousness and holiness in Christ Jesus.  Because I have seen the return of the LORD Christ.  I have seen the return of the Messiah.  This is the Voice that was promised in scripture.  The scripture promised that this Voice would come and awaken the nations and prepare the nations for the glorious coming of the Messiah.

But you can see the tremendous astronomical power that this Voice has come with.  So please do not attempt to ignore this Voice.  The Messiah is coming.  Let every creation: the mountains, the rivers, the oceans, the trees, the rocks let every creation –humanity prepare in righteousness receive Christ Jesus be born again and be holy.  Turn away from sin and prepare the way in their hearts for the glorious of the coming of the Messiah.

And the Voice said, “The Heavenly Hosts accompany Him”.

Those who have ears may your wisdom help you.

The Messiah is coming.

Shalom, Shalom, Boker Tov L’chaim.


Live via www.Jesusislordradio.info September 17th, 2017, the Mightiest Prophet Dr. Owuor.

The LORD Jehovah has spoken with me, a very important conversation that I want to share with the church. I want to share with the church a conversation regarding the Ark of the Covenant, the Ark of the Covenant that the LORD has shown me in the Throne Room of Heaven, in His Throne Room in the upper chambers of Heaven. Again, I want to share with you very briefly as I bring forth this message to you, and your listeners. I want to share about this conversation in which the LORD has taken me to his throne room in Heaven, and while I’m there, certain events take place and the two Cherubim of Glory carry the Ark of the New Covenant of the LORD. They bring it and they place it at the Throne Position.

And at that time, as I stand before the Throne Room of the LORD, the LORD opened the door. He opened the door for me to enter into the Throne Room. And at the Throne Room there is a golden walkway that leads to the Throne Position, within the Throne Room. And that is what I want to share a little bit tonight. I will probably extend that conversation later.

The LORD has taken me to His Throne Room in Heaven and again when the LORD brought me to Heaven, He opened the double arch door to the Throne Room. Then I saw a golden walkway that leads to the Throne Position. These are secrets of Heaven that I am sharing with the church right now, the privileged church. It is indeed a privilege and an honor to share this with you, the Church of Christ, world over and in Kenya, who I know are tuned in the millions now.

So the golden walkway within the Throne Room of God that leads to the Throne Position is very shiny gold, made of shiny gold which is very light and expensive. And then it has two strips, one strip on either side and the strips on either side of the golden walkway are made of reddish brown gold, a reddish brown kind of gold. And so, that is the place now at which I was sent standing facing the Throne Position, but on the right, on the right hand side of that walkway, as the LORD brought me there.

And then, all of a sudden, two Cherub of Glory –the Cherubim– they came walking along the walkway carrying the Ark of the New Covenant of the LORD. And that Ark of the New Covenant of the LORD they were carrying, they were carrying by the staves, the staves. Those are the wood, the two pieces of wood with four handles, two on the other side, two this way.

The LORD drew my attention to very specific items there. So they came, the two Cherubim of Glory came before and they were carrying the Ark of the New Covenant of the LORD, and as they did so they were walking along this golden walkway. Very powerful. The most powerful golden walkway ever that leads to the Throne Position. But they were walking sideways as they were carrying the Ark of the New Covenant of the LORD, with their heads bowed towards the Ark, towards the Mercy Seat. So they were really walking sideways with their heads bowed.

And at that time, He that had brought me there was standing on my right hand side, and speaking to me about all these events that were taking place there. And that is the time at which now they passed, bowing down their heads towards the Mercy Seat but carrying The Ark of the New Covenant of the LORD walking sideways, with their heads bowed down, and their wings flapped.

So, I remember asking he that was speaking with me, why they were walking in that way. And then he told me that the reason they are walking with their heads bowed and slowly but sideways is because this is the Holiest, the Most Holy place in the entire Heaven, the Holiest. Heaven is Holy, but this is now the Holiest Place in Heaven at the Throne Room, the Throne Position of the LORD.

And so, they were walking with a lot of reverence as they were carrying the Ark of the New Covenant of the LORD into, inside the Throne Room of God. They placed the Ark of the New Covenant of the LORD at the Throne Position, and immediately they did so. So, at that point I was standing facing the Throne Position together with he that was standing on my right hand side. And so I was facing the Throne Position and so I saw that when they placed the Ark of the New Covenant at the Throne Position then I saw the cherub as I faced the throne, the cherub that was on my right hand side, as I faced the Throne –actually crossed over– he crossed over in front of the Ark and then he peeled the chest. The chest of the Ark he peeled like this (prophetic demonstration) and when he peeled it off I saw a scripture written there, and the LORD has not allowed me to share that scripture.

And he went back to the same position and again bowed his head. So they both bowed their heads with their wings protecting the Mercy Seat. That is the time at which now he that was speaking with me there, he crossed over now. He crossed over and he was now on the golden walkway. He took his right hand and at that time I was kneeling down, I was kneeling down. Then he told me to rise up to stand up. He said, “Rise up that we may pray.”

So when I rose up, when I stood up, he told me to stand on the golden walkway, but I stood on the right part, the right portion of the golden walkway, because I was standing on the right hand side away from the golden walkway. So I stood on the golden walkway, so as I stood on that golden walkway, he was on my right side. And then he took his right hand he laid it on my shoulder and he asked me to take my left hand and put it on his shoulder. So I took my left hand –he put his right hand on my shoulder, and then I took my left hand and placed it on his shoulder. And then He lifted his left hand up and as he did so I also found myself lifting my right hand up because his right hand was touching my shoulder and my left hand was touching his shoulder.

So, when he lifted his left hand up to pray, I found that I had also lifted my right hand up to pray. So he was also very surprised, because I saw that he was going to tell me to lift up my right hand so that we can pray facing the Throne Position. And as we began to pray, I am the one who prayed.

The prayer I said was, “Mighty Father, I come to you today with a lot of praise and thanksgiving, in the Mighty Name of Jesus.” And when I said that prayer, all of a sudden, The Cloud of God came (strong blowing sound). The Cloud of God came along that way along the golden walkway. Very thick Cloud the one you saw in Kisumu here, the one that appeared in Menengai. The Cloud of God came in that way on the golden walkway (strong blowing sound) and went and sat on The Mercy Seat like even raised himself very high like this (prophetic demonstration) on the Mercy Seat.

And so I found myself with he that was talking to me facing the Throne Position. And then of course, there was a conversation that took place there –by voice the instruction– everything about the mission and the conversation and many other things I cannot share that happened; what he showed me there. But then, after that, then he made me pay attention to the Ark of the New Covenant of the LORD and the staves. I could see it from the edge of the stairs, the end where the hand, the palm of the Cherubi of Glory hold. I could see that that is different, different from what Moses built.

And then he took me, then he made me now pay attention to the four corners of the Ark of the New Covenant on which the Mercy Seat is. But when the Glory of the Father sat on the Mercy Seat and the Cloud lifted like this (prophetic demonstration) stood and communicated with he that speaks with you. Then at that time, at that time, the Mercy Seat which is very golden –almost becomes silver– shiny, silverish, because the glory shines very much and turns the gold into that shine.

And then, at that time, he took me behind the Throne Position, then I saw the River of Life flowing from the Throne. And I saw on either side there was the Tree of Life on this side, and the other side. And so, many, many more things took place. But I want to share a little bit up to here; on some of these very important visitations of this hour. That you may be able to understand even what has happened to the United States of America and is still happening to them.

I see that the ocean is still in the process of obeying the words of the Mighty Prophet of the LORD. There is a conversation about other storms in the ocean still. So this is a very important time in the history of the church. And also, on that July 25th, 2017, there is a message there. The team that is working on putting together all this in main office here, may not have put in all of the message. There is a message there that covers the Book of Daniel 12; the distress of the hour and the taking of the church, and the instructions thereat.

But I want to share that you may understand what is happening. Why the LORD is doing what he is doing right now. Why He is shaking the nations of the earth very, very severely at this hour, including what He did in Chile, when He sent me to Chile to speak to Chile to repent. The nation of Chile from Santiago. I went to Valparaíso even Concepcion. I’ve gone quite all the way through Chile to warn them at that time. And the LORD did big things. He created a new eye in a socket that had no eye, in Bishop Louise Carreras’ church, and many, many things. There was pure evidence that the LORD had come to visit with them to speak with them, and to push them to prepare, to compel them to prepare for the coming of the Messiah, and all that.

But you see that out of failure to repent the LORD speaks with me about the day of the earthquake that is coming and the tsunami. The particular day also when they will have their homosexual parties by the beach, and then on top of that the earthquake that I spoke there was so big 8.8 to the extent that he who speaks with you using his prophetic tongue he actually moved the Earth 33 feet away; carried the Earth with his tongue, and moved this Earth we are in 33 ft away and tilted it and shortened the day.

I think that The team in the office are preparing that for the church. These are some of the big things that are happening that I want to bring it into context regarding this conversation at the Throne of God, when Jehovah the God of Heaven presented the Ark of the New Covenant of the LORD at his Throne Position. And then He Throne and had a conversation there. Several things took place there. Inside the Ark of the Covenant, inside the Ark of the Covenant I saw that there was no jar of manna. I also saw that there was no stone tablet, there was no tablet there, but I saw a Bible.

And the LORD made me know that the Bible that was sitting there was totally sealed, sealed. It’s a hardcover Bible that was there, but it was sealed. So He made me know that I could not open it. So, the LORD brings me very close, and He makes me look into the Ark of the New Covenant of the LORD, The Ark of God. And the Ark of God in Heaven has no jar of manna. It does not have the two stone tablets of Moses, and it doesn’t have Aaron’s budded rod.

But what I saw there inside the Ark of the Covenant of the LORD is the Bible. I saw a Bible and some of that. There are two items that I may not be allowed to share. I am not allowed to share at this moment. The Bible was totally sealed and then lightning struck the Bible three times –As I was looking– it was the most dreadful thing I have ever seen: when lightning struck the Bible three (3) times. And when lightning struck the Bible three times the LORD made me know that that Bible was now openable, could now be opened. And that lightning that struck the Bible three times this is part of the conversation that I want to engage you on.

Why the LORD has now wrapped up his wrath, and the Transfiguration that took place. How the LORD came and transfigured me here at the Riverside Drive in Nairobi, and also in Helsinki, and how everything change on the Earth from that day on. And that things would now happen –big things– including one day shut down the whole Earth. So big things are happening, are going to happen to this Earth. Time has really shifted.

But the Ark of the Covenant that the LORD showed me in Heaven, as you can see very clearly, it’s a presentation of a visitation of God. The LORD was speaking very prophetically in that visitation that He is Jehovah. He is the LORD. But having presented the Ark of the Covenant, He was talking about the visitation that would come to the Earth.

And I could see very clearly, as He spoke with me that the lightning that He struck the Bible with three times now the Bible could open that that lightning is the same lightning that struck the LORD on the cross when He was here on Earth, and He died for our sins at Calvary on the cross. He made me know it is the same lightning that struck Jesus on the cross on the day He died to deliver all of us, humankind, humanity.

And we see very clearly that that lightning represents some three very important aspects: So The Ark of the Covenant presents the nature of the LORD. There is so much conversation that He has shared with me regarding this visitation. But you can see that His nature is emboldened within the Ark of the Covenant that He presents to me. So in other words, He was presenting His nature to me that I may be in the know about His nature and come down here and minister that also to the Earth; especially at this time. Because the dreadfulness of the Ark of the Covenant and the Most Holy of all –the Holy Place– is the Ark of the Covenant at the Throne Position.

So it also actually represents the great holiness of the LORD. Holiest than holy that place the Ark of the Covenant.  So the LORD in that way was able to manifest to me His nature, which is amazing to reveal that is the revelation of God.  And you can see very clearly that in that entire conversation I’ve not shared with you on, but the little that I have shared with you until now you can see that the LORD was presenting His holy nature. In other words, He was saying that God is Holy.  And also we see from the lightning that struck that the LORD was essentially telling me that His nature:

1. It is Holy.  God is holy. Hmm. Hmm.

2. He is the God of judgment.

That is the second thing that He presented to me, by presenting the Ark of the New Covenant of the LORD in the Throne Room of God in Heaven, the upper chambers of Heaven. And then lightning strikes the Bible great times even as His Glory Himself came and He sat on up there and spoke with he who speaks to you by voice.

So, you can see again, like I said, that in that way He presented to me His nature.  In other words, He’s saying, He is the God of holiness because that place was Most Holy the Holiest Place ever: holier than all holy places in the Heaven. Heaven is very holy.  Totally holy.  But this is now the Holy of Holies in Heaven.  And I said number two, it also presented to me that He is the God of judgment.  Because I could see that He made me know that the lightning that struck the Bible was essentially the same lightning that struck the LORD on the cross when He died on the cross. And that act of Jesus dying for us on the cross and resurrecting is essentially an act of the Judgment of God against sin.

The Judgment of God against sin. The reason I am bringing this to you at this hour is that you may understand why the LORD used me to speak such a terrible judgment to the United States of America. Many things that the team, at the head office here have not presented in that documentary of the fulfillment of the prophecy; many bigger things happened. Hmm.

For example, in Tampa Bay, in Florida the ocean the LORD struck them and then those beaches where they were having sexual orgies in the water, sexual sin in the water He struck them so much that when He finished He tied up the water, and pulled the ocean away. Right now there is dry there. He pulled the ocean away.  They say and as far as the eye can see. The mud, He left mud, and a lot of sea creatures are there: scorpions, craps, and everything there. He moved the ocean away.  In Bahamas, He moved the ocean away and people could walk to an island.  The ocean moved away at a certain bay.  In Tampa Florida, He moved the ocean away, very far away.  So, if one wanted to go to the ocean you have to walk on the mud for a long distance.  That was the same place of the water, in Tampa, Florida, where they used to have sexual orgies, sexual sin, homosexuality, meaning everything in there.

So He struck them, and pushed the ocean away.  Now you have to walk very far on mud with many insects and snakes, name it.  I just want to bring this into context; why this is happening now.

And again, I said the LORD has presented now this Ark of the New Covenant of the LORD in Heaven. The Ark of the New Covenant of God, the Ark of God, at the Throne Position. And I said there is so much information there He downloaded, He delivered to me that I may be able to administer to the nations.

And I said one of them is that it presents, because of the Holiness of that place, the message that he sent me with to you, – – the nations of the Earth- – is to make sure you understand. Even as much as He has brought the grace of our LORD Jesus, God is very holy. So, the Ark of the Covenant of the LORD represents the Holiness of God. He is the God of holiness. If there is anything about the LORD that never changes, it is the holiness of God. And you see very much that when He presented the Ark of that Covenant, the Ark of the Covenant of God in Heaven at the Throne Room, at the upper chambers of God in Heaven, the Most Holy Place, essentially presented His nature to me so that I may bring this message to the nations that “Look! The God Jehovah, the God of Israel you worship He is the God of Holiness!”

So holiness is so central to Him. Now you begin to understand why, as the Messiah is about to come into the scene, and take the church, now you see He is centering holiness now. He is shaking the nations on this matter of holiness.


Because in this presentation of the Ark, He essentially presented the Holiness of God. That He is the God of Holiness. I could see the nature of God in this conversation at the Throne Room of God, without the verbal, without the voice communication, just the presentation of the Ark, essentially presented the God of Holiness, a holy God.

Number two (2) I said, the Judgment of God.


Because He made me know that the lightning that struck the Ark when He brought me close to look into the Ark. When I looked into the Ark of God in Heaven at the Throne Room of God the lightning struck the Ark of God three times. And He made me, He let me know this represents the anger of God against sin, the Judgment of God against sin, and the Authority of God against sin. Represented three things which are shared by the Trinity of God, so it struck three times. So these are very deep things again that the LORD has presented right now to the church.

In the book of Exodus 25:21, that brings it out very clearly. But anyhow, I also see that I saw in this place that there is the Mercy Seat where the LORD came to sit enthroned between the two Cherub in this tremendous visitation, revelation of God at the Throne Room of God. So, in so doing, the LORD essentially, before the voice of the LORD spoke, the voice of the Father spoke on the instruction of the mission that is ongoing on the earth now. But before He spoke in that presentation of the Mercy Seat and His Glory coming to sit on The Mercy Seat, I could also see that He is presenting His third nature.

He is saying, “I am the God of Mercy.” Because He presented The Mercy Seat. And He made me see that when His Glory touched the Mercy Seat, which is golden, it became shiny, very shiny, whitish shiny, silverish.


Because of the Glory, the glow of His Glory. So again, He is the God of mercy. He is a merciful God. And in so being merciful, so when Christ Jesus died on the Earth, when He said, “Woman do not touch me”, before resurrection. “Do not touch me because I have not entered.” That is what He meant. He meant that My blood has not yet touched the Mercy Seat. And that is why He had to enter the Throne Position and then anchor all the souls of those that believe and will ever believe in Christ Jesus and never perish. John 3:16, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

So that is the anchoring of the souls of all believers at the Throne Room of God. So that’s why the blood is poured. So you see He also presented Himself to me as the God of Mercy because the Mercy Seat is a permanent place, at the Throne Position where He sat where appeasing. He was appeased when the blood touched the Mercy Seat, God’s anger was appeased: propitiation. That is where and then He forgets. So He presented the God of Mercy, in the process because He gave Jesus in John 3:16, then He also presented a loving God, the God of love, He love’s.

But we know so well that in that pouring of the blood of Jesus there, and that whole the Ark of the Covenant that whole Ark of the Covenant the LORD presented to me at the Throne Room of God in Heaven; essentially it also presents Him also as the God of Covenant. That’s why He presented the Ark of the Covenant. That’s why His relationship with man is based on covenant. He always drafts a covenant; with Abraham a covenant, with Moses a covenant, Israel a covenant, the church a covenant. He is the God of Covenant. So that is another nature that was revealed at the Throne Position where the LORD spoke with me about this. The fact that, again, there is eternal life now spoken with the blood of Jesus touched there, then He is a Living God, a God of life.

And you could see the presentation of the Holy Trinity in the striking of the lightning three times; you see now the Godhead, the Godhead Himself, is the One now that sat with the Cloud and spoke with me at the Throne Position. And so many deep things that I would have wanted to share with you regarding this, on the visitation of the LORD.

And there are many important messages that came out of there, in that conversation at the Throne Position, on the mission that is ongoing on the earth now; and on instruction on how to prepare for the coming of the Messiah. So, we also see that when I came in there and He that was speaking with me, and then in that prayer I made then you see now, “Father, today I come to you with a lot of praise and thanksgiving, in the Mighty Name of Jesus.” Then you see the presence of God the Father coming and sitting there. So essentially, the Ark of God represents His presence.

And so in this encounter it was very prophetic also. Because He was talking about His presence is going to come down here. And that is why you see the current visitation that is happening on the Earth, the latter visitation, the latter Glory. And that would be a mistake for any nation out of prejudice, or just out of unwisdom, unwiseness to miss this visitation. You would be sunk.  Nobody can ignore this and enter the Glorious Kingdom of God. That is the instruction.

But you see very clearly, that the LORD is speaking in very, very clear terms about His visitation for the hour.  He is giving a very important message to this generation.  He is presenting His nature.  He is coming in this revival.  But these are things that have now been revealed in this Throne Room position, in this visitation.

You can also see that the Ark of the Covenant of the LORD that He presented to me in Heaven essentially, also expresses –demonstrates– it demonstrates, dramatizes the distance that intervenes; the intervening distance between man and God.  That is why you see when the young man from Beth Shemesh went and looked inside the Ark of God they were killed.

But now the Bible, why was it that the Bible was sitting there and no jar of manna?  The Bible was sitting there, lightning strikes the Bible three times and that lightning releases the glad that you see blood on the earth here and then open the Ark –accesses– allows us to access the New Covenant of the LORD and remember the New Covenant of the LORD is a complete Bible.  It is both the Old Testament and the New Testament.  Even the LORD Himself said He had not come, He had not come to erase, to do away with the Old Testament.  That is why the whole Bible is sitting inside the Ark of the Covenant of God in the Throne Room of God in Heaven.

But essentially the LORD was saying, John 6:31, that while it was the jar of manna while they see bread from Heaven then, through manna, then now He says, “It is not Moses…” I can read John 6:31. John 6:31, this is what He says,

John 6:31-32

“Our forefathers ate manna in the desert; as it is written, He gave them bread from heaven.  Jesus said to them verse 32, “I tell you the truth, it is not Moses who gave you the bread from heaven; but it is my Father gives you the true bread from heaven.”

So you see, there was a whole paradigm shift when that Bible sat there inside the Ark of the New Covenant of the LORD, in the Throne Room of God in Heaven.


Because now, that Bible essentially represents Jesus.  He is the Bread of Life now instead of the jar of manna.  And also, we know too well it represents the New Covenant He brought us.  John 1:1 on. He says,

John 1:1

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God…”

So that Bible actually represents Christ Jesus, the LORD, Himself at the Throne Room of God in Heaven. How amazing!

And so you see very clearly that the LORD has zero tolerance to sin and that’s why there is a serious purging that is going to take place across the Earth; especially, after the transfiguration that took place here.  So, it is so important for this generation to understand that the LORD is now preparing the church.  And there is a deeper conversation that is taking place at the Throne Room of God, in Heaven, right now regarding the coming of the Messiah.

And part of this; this sharing when He shared with me about the Ark of the New Covenant, this is part of the conversation on the preparing of the church for the coming of the Messiah.  And that is why you see the glory.  The Cloud is here.  The Glory of the LORD is here to prepare the church.


Because Christ Jesus is glorified, He has accomplished the mission and is now coming back. He will come back for a glorious church.  He will not come back to preach the gospel.  So the Ark of the Covenant, like I said, the LORD is showing me the Ark of the Covenant was to essentially to say “Look!  I am coming to visit.  I am visiting right now.  I am coming to visit the Earth in my own presence.”


Because the Ark of the Covenant represents the Divine presence of God.

You see, for example, in the Book of 1st Samuel 3:3, when Samuel the little boy was lying next to the Ark of God asleep there, next to the Ark of God the lamp of God had not gone off.  The Voice of the LORD spoke with him, the LORD spoke with him there.  The Ark of the LORD essentially is the presence –the divine– the holy presence of God.

The Ark of the Covenant of the LORD is the Throne of God.  It is His Throne.

The Ark of the Covenant like I’ve said, represents the power, the authority, and the judgment of God; the anger of God against sin.  And that is why at this moment several events, when the angel came and spoke with me, and he went across the Earth in 2005 and I saw a lot of debris, and what you see on the Earth today.

Then you definitely understand that the LORD was going to purge the Earth.  And there is more about the Ark of God that I will share in subsequent conversations, because the Ark of God also is a very powerful symbol of the defeat of sin.  There is a message there also about God defeating sin through Christ Jesus.

But if you look at even the Ark that Moses built which was a prototype, that Ark helped them to cross the Jordan; that Ark helped them to take over Jericho; that Ark helped them in many ways.  But this, this time too, the Covenant, this Ark He showed me with Christ Jesus in there.  And the Covenant it brings the church the blood that is poured on the Mercy Seat is helping the church now also to cross over from death to ife.

So there is a deeper conversation at the Throne Room of God, which eventually with time, as the LORD allows, I will share with the church.  The LORD is speaking very clearly right now.  And He is saying, the Ark of God is also Judgment against sin.  Look at what happened in Ashdod, in Ashdod.  Look at what happened to the sons at Beth Shemesh.

That is why you see now is a serious purging, a serious zero tolerance against sin.  But I want to finish this by talking to the church, in Kenya. The church in Kenya, you are now privileged.  You are now sitting at the privileged position.


Because of your disposition, your demeanor towards the LORD.  The church in Kenya now as the LORD judges other nations you can now see at this time as He purges off sin.  He is purging sin.


Because of their heedlessness, because of their disobedience, their failure to repent.  But the church in Kenya, you are blessed.


The reason you’re blessed is because for example today, when you all watched what the LORD used his Servant to do on the other side of the ocean, in the Caribbean, and in Florida, and in Texas, today in this country, there was a National Repentance.  Many, many churches everywhere; people laying on their bellies and they wept before God when they watched how God judged sin on the other side using His Mighty Prophet of the LORD.  The Mightiest Prophet of the LORD.  The one the LORD Himself said, is the most powerful prophet I have ever sent; by Voice.

When the church today in Kenya today saw what this Mighty Prophet did on the other side of the Atlantic, in fact, you can say there was a National Repentance in Kenya today.  When the LORD has not spoken with Kenya they are already repenting; just owing to the gravity of the hour and the gravity of the doings of God.  But the church across the world, it’s as though they are heedless to repentance.

I am simply explaining why the great disposition of love God has shown now towards the church in Kenya.  Look!  Your dead are resurrecting, being resurrected here.  Right now, less than 2 weeks ago HIV/AIDS has changed, maybe this is the third week, and tested all the way to () University Hospital.  Big things, the deeds of God of Love are happening here.

Today you are celebrating Mama Rosa the dead, decomposing dead body, smelly, decomposing, rotting body that resurrected.  And right now we are planning for a Grand Mega National Celebration of Resurrection of the great doings of God that only present love.  But on the other side, He is striking them.


Because of the heedlessness.

Even the nations the many years I’ve tried to bring many people from many nations here. I’ve tried to bring many, many people, many pastors from many nations; but, they are not able to carry this message.  Because they have a lot of their prejudices, their issues, they are locked up in the old paradigm.  Yet, the time in Heaven has shifted.  Look!  They have come for many years here.  But there is no Revival in their nations.

And when I tell them, “Go start a holy church; the other churches are rotten.  The LORD will judge you if you depend on the other Church.”  They did not.  Only a few of them did. Probably Angola, but I don’t know how close they are, also.  I need to monitor how close they are to the mainstream of this message.  But in Kenya, when I told you to go and establish holy churches and gave the instruction and said stay away from sin, stay away from the corrupt Gospel of money, and all this; you faithfully went and did it to the letter.

Look now! Today you watched as the LORD is doing big things on the other side of judgment:  Tremendous, horrendous!  While on this side, He blessed you!  So, it is really my cry, even as it is my cry to the other nations that Kenya you may be able to sustain this, make this sustainable.  And my cry to the other nations is that you should download all your theories, and paradigms, and philosophies about church.

There is a new order in church everybody can see!

You must take new instruction now, because the LORD has already brought me to the Throne Room in the Upper Chambers of Heaven and in front He presented at the Throne Position the Ark of the New Covenant of the LORD.  And He has given me the instruction to the nations for this hour.  So you cannot ignore this.  You cannot mix this with the old paradigm that is decayed and rotten in your churches.  You must take instruction.

Look at Kenya! How beautiful Kenya is now.

They have taken instruction, even right now as we speak.  Kenya is between the presidential election.  But look at how the LORD has held their feet through he that speaks with you.  The Mighty Prophet of the LORD simply decrees.  So there is benefit.  There is benefit for the nation.  They always look at Kenya and they say, how can we be like Kenya? They are writing to me.  We want this revival like Kenya.  But you have to stop the heedlessness, you have to start that doctrination.  You are indoctrinated in other things, in other ways.  You have to stop that paradigm of church; otherwise you will never catch up with Kenya.

Look, ever since Mama Rosa was resurrected He has spoken of other resurrections coming to Kenya, only good things.  But on the other side, obliterating islands wiping them from the face of the Earth.  How can the same tongue speak two things?

Beloved people, the Messiah is coming.

If Kenya is the classroom from which other nations will learn then they need to humble.  They simply need to humble and learn from this church.  I brought them here for many, many, many, many years that they may copy from Kenya and transplant.

But, they go back to their systems on the other side and there is no revival there. I have seen the Messiah coming beloved people. I will continue the conversation on this tremendous new visitation when the LORD has taken me to His Throne Room in Heaven in the Upper Chambers of Heaven, and presented The Ark of the New Covenant of the LORD before me and giving me instruction for the nations for this hour.

The Messiah Christ Jesus is coming.  Return to righteousness beloved people, embrace holiness.  You can now live a holy Christian life. How beautiful; a life of authority and purpose; a life that improves the shelf-life of the church; removes perishability and makes the church immortal.

May the LORD bless you.

Toda, Toda, Toda Raba.


Live via www.Jesusislordradio.info September 9th, 2017, by Mightiest Prophet Dr. Owuor.

The LORD Jehovah he has spoken with me about the events that are happening around the United States of America right now.  And in that major conversation this night, the LORD has shown me showed me His Cloud the Cloud of His Glory that came from Heaven with wrath, with anger came over towards that area of the United States of America; the beaches the shores the East Coast, with wrath.

The thick dark Cloud of the LORD surged with wrath like this –the wrath of anger– and then after that He showed me the second part of the dream He showed me the current hurricane that is coming to hit the United States of America, Irma.  He showed me the hurricane between the island of Cuba and Miami, at that place and spinning very fast.  So we can see very clearly that the LORD is still on their case. The LORD’s wrath and anger is still on that land.

Again, the LORD He has shown me His wrath.  And He showed me the Cloud of his glory come with wrath with anger like this above the skies at the shores towards the shores of the United States of America the thick dark cloud of God, with wrath He came like this, with wrath.  And He made me know that He was very angry.  I was very terrified the way He came toward the land like this, at the shores from above the thick dark cloud.

And then after that the second part of the dream and then He shows me the hurricane spinning very fast, but between the island of Cuba and Florida.  Then He made me understand that He the LORD is still on their case.  The LORD spoke about this to distress coming to the United States of America; we posted it on the web July 25th, the year 2017.

And you can see very clearly that when hurricane Harvey came he struck Texas very hard, and by extension a stretch to the United States of America to the whole country even this kind of situation right now they are very distressed.  And then now come this one here. (uh)  The LORD has shown me, first He shows me His thick dark cloud from Heaven come with wrath like this –came like this– over the skies there close to the shores.  And He stops there and made me know that with anger, and wrath like this came down like this with wrath.  And it was a very dreadful thing to see, the thick dark Cloud of the LORD come with such wrath.

And then after that the second part of the dream this night just less than two hours ago and He shows me now between the island of Cuba and Florida and then He shows me that hurricane that is coming, and so He makes me understand the LORD is still on their case

The LORD is still asking for repentance from that nation that the people of the United States of America may repent.  Because He is their Creator.  They do not have another creator!  They do not have another God. No god ever created the land and the people of the United States of America except Jehovah, the Holy God of Israel, and the LORD has raised in that prophecy that spoke about this distress, and the floods coming to the United States of America, you can tell very clear that the LORD spoke about repentance.

The LORD spoke about the condition of the church, because the church is supposed to be the instrument, the instrument that the LORD uses to be able to access the land and execute His agenda for this hour, in the land!  And the agenda for this hour across the nations of the earth is repentance: the turning away from sin, and preparing the way for the coming of the Messiah has drawn nearer!  You see?

And so, the Cloud of God comes from Heaven, He surged from Heaven –He came like this–over the skies like this and with wrath.  It was very dreadful.  And then after that then He shows me between the island of Cuba and Florida He shows me now that hurricane spinning, less than two hours ago, in a tremendous dream. And that tells you that the LORD is still asking the church, and the people of the land of the United States of America to repent; to repent and turn away from sin.

He is asking them to be considerate to Him; to be considerate about Him, because for a long time they have not been considerate to the LORD.  If you look at the practices in the church, which is supposed to be preparing the nation now, (uuh) and the church is in a state of apostasy.  The church is in a state of sin!  The church right now is in darkness, and yet the LORD is longing that the people of the United States who He created that they too may not ignore this instruction this Voice, on prepare the way the coming of the Messiah is near.

So the LORD is very perturbed!  He is very disturbed that they have this Voice in that land has gone virtually ignored.  The church is on another agenda. The land is on another agenda; immorality has defiled the land, homosexuality –you know– all these places like Florida.  Those are places known for sexual sin, so called tourism, with a immorality, gays, and all these things you see that have defiled and littered the land.

And so right now, again, the LORD has not completed His conversation with them. That is why you see there is a tremendous distress even as prophesied in that prophecy July 25th, 2017when He spoke with me about this tremendous distress you see unfolding right now in our eyes (uh) unto the United States of America.  And so the LORD is asking that the churches in the United States of America begin to organize a National Day of Repentance so that they may bring the entire land under repentance. So the LORD is saying this is the call. This is the call to repentance! He is calling that nation to repentance.

You see in Kenya here every time the LORD speaks they go into repentance immediately. Sometimes they repent across the churches. Like this coming Sunday I heard them yesterday at the National Council of Bishops saying they will spend 30 minutes in every church, in this land this coming Sunday just to lie down before the LORD, put their bellies on the floor and repent and cry out to the LORD, and reject sin, and renounce apostasy, and defilement.

So the LORD is asking the people of the United States of America also to embrace repentance as a means of turning away from sin; to have zero tolerance to wickedness and immorality that the gospel of money that is in the church may now come to an end, and that a holy bride may come forth, may be prepared in that land.

I was seeing in the news that when hurricane Harvey came the first hurricane Harvey that came the geoscientist geophysicist at the California Institute of Technology they have found out that actually the water the amount of water that the hurricane brought to that area of Houston actually was so heavy it sank the whole of that region of Houston by two (2)centimeters.  The whole of that land sunk down because of the weight of the water that was pushed in by hurricane Harvey. He says, hurricane Harvey brought a lot of water and the weight of the water sank the whole of that area by two (2) centimeters; they sank, went deep.  And it flexed the crust of the earth.

So you can see the magnitude of these storms.  And you see now for hurricane Irma all the seismologists and seismometers they detected it in the ocean as a major earthquake.  So the LORD is shaking The United States of America in a very massive way, and He is seeking for their attention.  He is seeking for their consideration that they may consider Him now as their God.  And consider His holy requirements on righteousness and holiness to receive Jesus and prepare the way for the glorious of the coming of the Messiah.

About two hours ago He had spoken with me here. It is night time here in Africa, in East Africa, in Kenya.  In fact, it is 5 o’clock in the morning now, but the LORD has spoken with me about these storms that are coming, which means the LORD is crying out to the people of the United States of America.  He is loving them.  He is seeking their attention.  He is drawing towards them.  He saying, “Look now!  All these things I have caused unto you to get your attention that you may repent.  I am the defender of the United States of America.”

It is not the nuclear weapons. It is not the strike aircraft carriers. It is not the technology, and the economy, the sophistication.

He says, “No! It is I, Jehovah, that is your Creator and Defender and behold the coming of the Messiah has now drawn nearer.  And I’m seeking your attention now. You have to come to a stop and hold a national repentance.  The churches have to stop the all these prosperity gospels they’re doing, and now turn to the gospel of the Cross and preach holiness, and transform the life of the sheep of Christ, and prepare the nation for the glorious coming of the Messiah.”

So this is what the LORD has spoken even as hurricane Irma is approaching now, approaching the United States of America. And hurricane Jose has also been now upgraded to category four (4) so this is the hour at which the awakening in the land in the United States of America should take place.  They should ask questions at this hour.  They should ask, “Haven’t all these things calamities happened to us because our fellowship with the LORD is broken?”

May the LORD open your wisdom.  May the LORD open your heart.  May your wisdom never fail you, because at this hour these are the distresses that Daniel talked about.  In Daniel chapter 12:1-4 and in verse one He says, “A distress as has not happened before.”

I have seen the Messiah coming.  May the people of the United States not be failed by their wisdom.  May they prepare for the glorious coming of the Messiah.  And at this hour it will not depend on the sophistication of your country, on the systems of technology and economy; but, it will strictly depend on repentance because Jesus the Redeemer the Savior is coming back! And He is coming back for a holy church. And the Voice that announces the glorious coming of the Messiah is here. He gave the prophecy already July 25th, 2017. He spoke to you already. Heposted it on the web. He warned about the distress. He warned about the floods, and here they are now. You cannot ignore this Voice. The LORD is saying this is the hour for you to take a spiritual audit of your life in the United States of America.

And all those islands of the Caribbean take a spiritual audit of your life and ask yourself, “Who is it that is our protector? Who is it that has been protecting us? The prosperity that we had? All these things we had here? The life we sustained here? The lifestyle and the livelihood?”  But now the Messiah is coming and you cannot ignore this call.

Prepare the way, the Messiah is coming!



Live via www.Jesusislordradio.info September 6th, 2017, by the Mightiest Prophet Dr. Owuor.

I see somebody dies.  I do not know, yet, whether it is a woman or a man.  But the LORD He takes me and He shows me the grave. He shows me the grave where that person has been buried.  And then the LORD opens my eyes further, so I see a little deeper where the soul goes, much, much deeper. And then the Father Who was speaking next to me on my right hand side, He instructs me to bring this person back to life. And then, he that speaks with you resurrects this person and a very humongous revival breaks out in the church globally.

The LORD is saying that He will be reviving the church, in a most historic way.

I mentioned the book of Isaiah 26, and how the LORD speaks from Isaiah 26.  He talks about the morning dew that will come. The dew for this hour that will revive the church, but I see that the LORD is going to send His Servant somewhere to again resurrect a dead person.  And this soul had gone so deep. So really, really very deep –down deep– and there is some event that the LORD involves me in to bring the person out, which we cannot share here, but what happens is that the person is resurrected by the LORD.

And so, when He sends me to do this kind of thing a big revival breaks out in the church to prepare the way for the glorious coming of the Messiah.  So, I know that at this hour, at this hour the church is essentially very busy witnessing the reproving of worship in the United States of America.  There is a big focus now, the LORD has focused on bringing to contempt the things of the world that have been embraced in the United States of America, in that church.

And it has been very clear that the LORD has come up against sexual sin, immorality, the gay, homosexuality, all these things that defile the land.  Including the false prophets that mislead the church.  Instead of leading the church to righteousness and holiness they lead the church to the things of the world.  They preach a more horizontal gospel.  And so in that way people cannot prepare for the real D-Day, the grand finale, the glorious coming of the Messiah.  The reason for which Christ Jesus the Messiah went to the Cross.  And the LORD has also rebuked –there are so many false apostles you see in America.

When you tune on the American TV the Christian TV you see what they are spewing out to the world.  This very defiled gospel of prosperity and corruption where everything, and anything goes where the god they worship is not holy.  He has no requirements on holiness.  When He brought the Person of the Holy Spirit to the church to help us in this dispensation to be able to comprehend the holiness of Jesus and facilitate us to be able to achieve the righteousness of the LORD and which righteousness has no room for this porous living, apostate living; however, for them now they are on another page where everything goes and anyone can say they are a prophet and falsely prophesy things, false things, money is big, the worldly dressing, immorality, abortions, people can live together without marriage.  They are still in church smoking, drinking.

You know this whole narrative you see of the gospel according to the “American Standard Version of Christianity.”  So, the LORD is rebuking that now and there is a big reproving He is doing right now all the way in that land. When you come from Houston, Texas and even Irma is coming to awaken them to shake them and make them know that reliance on these  things of the world is perilous.

The LORD is bringing to fatality the things of the world that have brought comfort to man. And this goes across the earth.  This Message does not confine itself to the United States of America alone.  This Message is still very pertinent, and very relevant to Kenya where the biggest, most historic revival is throbbing right now.  It goes all the way to New Zealand, Australia, it cuts across South Africa all the way down to Chile, Argentina, up towards Costa Rica, the United States, Canada, the Islands, the Caribbean’s, all the other Islands, Asia, Europe this is the hour at which all the nations are being awoken to the fact that the Messiah is coming and we need to prepare now.  The church needs to prepare now.

So, I have seen the big powerful revival that has comes to the church.  I have seen another resurrection, the resurrection of the dead.  So, the LORD sends me to a place, and He asks me to resurrect this dead person who had been buried.  I do not know why the tomb is opened. Most likely probably buried, but the LORD open my eyes to see, or maybe not yet buried, but the soul goes so deep, so deep, very, very deep indeed.  Into a hole actually. And then resurrection takes place, and a big revival takes place.

So it is my prayer that all the nations of the earth will really, really hunger and long for this revival.


Because resurrection is the ultimate purpose for which the Messiah came.  That the church may defeat death.  That the church may have hope beyond the tombs.  And that is the age that is what sets us apart totally from the other religions.  And that is why these things that the false apostles, and false prophets, and false pastors of the US and all over the world in Kenya, Nigeria –Nigeria is the center of this kind of corruption (huh)– these things that is being done in the church today is a great, great disservice to the LORD.

The LORD is using this visitation to awaken the church to the fact that there is greater more than the horizontal earthly gospel that you have riveted yourself that you have pinned yourself down on.  The LORD is saying that this is the hour to now pursue the glorious Kingdom of Heaven the eternal Kingdom, the Everlasting Kingdom of Jehovah, the Kingdom of that has no end.

So, I have seen the Messiah coming beloved people.  May you all prepare the way in your hearts that when the Messiah comes He finds those mountains of immorality in your heart have been mowed down, and those valleys of corruption have been raised, and the rugged places of apostasy made a plain and that the Messiah may find a way and pass through your hearts and you may see this beautiful, glorious, eternal Kingdom of Jehovah.

May the LORD bless you!

Shalom, Shalom, Erev Tov, Shalom L’chaim.


Live via www.Jesusislordradio.info September 6th, 2017, by the Mightiest Prophet Dr. Owuor.

The LORD Jehovah He spoke with me on this day.  And I know that the LORD is now speaking with me at a very, very critical threshold, a very critical moment in the history, and the life of the church.  At this hour, I know it is completely apparent to all people, all people all over the globe are now quite aware that this way, this way we are as the Earth, as the church we have never been this way.  The earth has never been this way to where it is thus far.

And you see these are the days in which the LORD is fulfilling scripture.  The LORD is  establishing His voice in the land. In these days the LORD is establishing His voice in the land. He is establishing the Message of the hour.  He is establishing the instruction to His  people, His beloved people.  I see right now that the ocean is still in the process of actively and faithfully obeying the Words of the LORD.

And it is going to be a time of distress, as has not been seen before.  I see a humongous fire that is coming.  And I do not know what causes it.  Maybe it is Irma that comes and hits and then causes fire.

And then the Voice said, “We have never seen this type of fire.”

I see some ladies, I do not know whether they are reporting next to the fire or they are involved, and they are white people they are reporting on this.  And so the LORD is saying that there will be distress.

So this is an interesting time.  There is distress happening at this time, but during this time of distress those of you that are born again, those that will hearken unto the LORD, you will get your bearings toward the Kingdom of God, because you will understand that time is over.  So when you look at the agony and the pain that is going on in Houston, Texas, and even that Irma is bringing, and so you can reason beyond that.  Because you know that there is greater hope for those who will now hearken to the Message within the storm: The Message of Repentance and Preparing the Way for the Glorious Coming of the Messiah.

So, the LORD is going to do these things at this hour to continue to affirm to this generation that time is over, and the Messiah is Coming.  May you all prepare the way for the glorious coming of the Messiah.  Remember, even as the Bible says, that when the LORD tarries He tarries that many more may repent.  He tarries that many may enter into the glorious Kingdom of Jehovah.

I have seen the LORD coming.

I have seen the coming of the Messiah, and many, many things will change when He comes. It will be an irreversible change.  It will be an irretrievable moment.

So this really is that announcement.  And this constitutes the moment at which every soul can prepare and make substantive gains and enter into the glorious eternal Kingdom of the  Messiah, the Kingdom of His God, and my Father, my Sender, the Kingdom of Jehovah the LORD Yahweh.

Shalom, Shalom, Toda Raba, L’chaim!


Live via www.Jesusislordradio.info August 27th, 2017, by the Mightiest Prophet Dr. Owuor.

The LORD Jehovah, Jehovah the Redeemer, He has spoken with me.  Jehovah has spoken with me twice, on two occasions and He has spoken with me about a big visitation that is about to befall this church, the church of Christ here in Kenya, and many other nations that are tuned in.

Jehovah Elohim, the Creator, Eternal Creator, Jehovah El Hoseenu, Jehovah El Shalom, Jehovah El Adonai, Jehovah Elyon, Jehovah El Olam, Jehovah Sabaoth, Jehovah Rohi, Jehovah El Shaddai, Jehovah Tsidkenu, Jehovah Jireh, Jehovah El Gibbor, Jehovah Elohenu, Jehovah Shammah, Jehovah Eloheka, Jehovah M’gaddishcem, Jehovah Rapha, Jehovah Nissi, Jehovah Jireh, Jehovah Ganan, Jehovah Elyon, Jehovah Chezeq, Jehovah Bara, Jehovah Magen, Jehovah Ma’oz, Jehovah Machsi, the LORD my Refuge, Jehovah Mephalti, my Deliverer, Jehovah Misqabbi, Jehovah Nissi, Jehovah Ori, Jehovah Kanna, Jehovah Kabodhi, the LORD my Glory, Jehovah Yasha, the LORD my Savior, Jehovah Tsori, the LORD my Strength, Jehovah Go’el, Jehovah Sel’i, the LORD Jehovah Hamelech, the King, He has spoken with me twice.

It is a long-running conversation.  It went on for two (2) days beginning the day before yesterday into yesterday and now, within forty-eight (48) hours past.  The LORD has been speaking with me about this visitation that is about to happen to the church.  And I see a tremendous healing anointing that is going to befall the church right now as I speak.  So, even as I speak now, the LORD is going to visit you.  I know your meeting in many places right now.  The power of the LORD is going to visit many, many meetings.

I know you are in your regional celebration meetings.  There are people that are going to be healed in the different regional meetings.  Your church services are meeting in big, big congregations.  There are people meeting in Nairobi, at the Central Park, in Mombasa, Kakamega, Kericho, Kitali, Bungoma, Kisumu, all the way to Marsabit, Isiolo even the refugees are there, but right now the LORD has asked me to release this great healing anointing that will saturate the whole nation today.  And it will reach as far as other nations Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, everywhere; it does not matter there is no boundary.

And in this conversation last night, I released the healing anointing of Jehovah unto the church.  And then I saw a lot of files; a lot of files I was receiving.  The LORD, with His hand was giving me a lot of files.  The LORD Jehovah began to give me a lot of files; a lot of files of the healed.

I received many files.  I also received a file of Mama Rosa this past night.  This past night the LORD gave me with His hand the file of Mama Rosa;  the lady that has just spoken with you today from a dead decomposing corpse that has just gone to you and cautioned you.  The LORD this night among the files He gave me He gave me Mama Rosa’s file after her healing.

So I see many, many files and I was placing the files under the mattress of my bed.  So, as I received the files I was opening up the mattress and placing a lot of files a lot, a lot, and a lot of files, a lot of files, a lot more files of the healed people.  So there are many people that are going to be healed any minute from now once the man of God that speaks with you decrees in the name of Jesus.

The Bible says very clearly in the Book of Matthew 12:15, again Matthew 12:15 the Bible speaks very clearly about the healing anointing of the LORD and now we are at a tremendous crossroad on the verge of eternity. Matthew 12:15 says,

Matt 12:15 “Aware of this, Jesus withdrew from that place.  A large crowd followed Him, and He healed them all.”

So the LORD has capacity.  The LORD has willingness.  He is willing to heal all of you wherever you are.  And I know there are many people in different conditions.  We have cripples; people that are learning to walk for the first time.  We have the blind, the lame, the deaf, the mute, paralytics, spinal cord injuries, tumors, cancers, diabetes, blood conditions, leukemia, bone marrow cancers, people that have brain tumors, brain cancers, blood clots, people with hypertension, people with chronic wounds, including wounds internal like ulcers, people with fibroids, different types of tumors, people with psychosis, different mental conditions, women with bleeding diseases, women whose wombs are blocked, babies born with weak necks that cannot support their head, cannot support the head.

And so, this is a tremendous time in the history of the church.  Before I decree that healing anointing in this entire land, I am reading from Deuteronomy 7:15.

Deut 7:15 “And the Lord will take away from thee all sickness, and will put none of the evil diseases of Egypt, which thou knowest, upon thee; but will lay them upon all them that hate thee.”

Let me read, again, Deuteronomy 7:15. He says,

Deut 7:15 “And the Lord will take away from thee all sickness, and will put none of the evil diseases of Egypt, which thou knowest, upon thee; but will lay them upon all them that hate thee.”

And so right now there are people with HIV AIDS also; they have suffered these conditions for a very long time.  And sometimes the doctors have said, “There’s no way out. You’re on your way to the grave.”

It may be a chronic cancer, maybe you are in the hospital wards, but the LORD has given me so many files this night.  It is amazing as He was handing over the files to me.  I was opening my mattress inside the house, and then I was putting all the files under the mattress, and there were a lot of files; the LORD showed me a lot of files.  And some of them were already there: that is amazing.  When I opened my mattress, under the mattress some files were already there; but, I kept adding files.  The hand of the LORD kept giving me more files.

And so wherever you are right now in the Mighty Name of Jesus and by the power of the Authority of the Prophetic Tongue the LORD has given me the Tongue that prepares the way for the glorious coming of the Messiah, the King, I now lift up my left prophetic arm towards heaven and I decree now healing anointing; a massive healing power that will now leave my tongue and begin visiting you people in a very violent and massive way across the entire nation of Kenya, and across all the other nations that are tuned in that the LORD at this hour may meet you at your point of your desperation, desperation and need.

“Father in the Mighty Name of Jesus I now decree my Father that you will now touch the crippled legs and the cripples get up, touch the worship that they may be totally healed and delivered, those that were worshiping with diseases, that you may touch the crippled legs strengthen them they may get up and walk, touch the blind eyes, and open them to see
wonders in this land and beyond, and many other nations tuned in, LORD, that you may touch also the lame legs pull them and stretch them and strengthen them that they may step down even where the legs were short, and the doctors said that they cannot add a column.

You will now do the miracle of creation LORD that you will now heal them –deaf– pop the deaf ears open.  I decree that your ears will now pop open that your crippled legs will now walk, your blind eyes will see, your mute tongues will be loosened, your deaf ears will pop open, your lame legs will be strengthened and stretched and touchdown and walk that you may abandon the crutches and the wheelchairs.

I decree that the blood conditions stop: HIV AIDS I curse you the virus that causes HIV AIDS, and decree a massive healing anointing across this land that there be another new wave for healing of HIV that you would send your Holy Spirit ahead of them at the clinic so that they may test negative. The babies with weak legs, I command your legs now to be strengthened.  I command the bleeding diseases to stop.

I command the wounds to dry up.  I command ulcers.  I command tumors to dissolve now. With my terrible Prophetic Tongue, I command your weak legs to walk, your blind eyes to open, your deaf ears to pop open, your tongues that are heavy to loosen that now the lame legs may walk, the wounds may dry, the week necks may be supported, tumors now dissolved, the brain and all over the body, the cancers dry up, leukemia, blood conditions, the broken hips, those with metal plates in their joints, and hips I decree a massive healing anointing across this country right now by the power of the Authority of the Prophetic Tongue you have given me, Jehovah.

I decree that now the Blood of Jesus cover all the meetings across Kenya, in an historic wave of healing anointing and celebration break out in this land that people may now celebrate the massive power of the healing anointing of the LORD.  I decree by the Authority of my Prophetic Tongue that you all now receive your healing everywhere even the lunatics be restored.

That everybody find remission, find help and be set free.  From faith even bleeding diseases stop instant, people that had conditions that had difficult like organs that are internal that need to be operated and removed; big operations at this hour.  I have decreed in the Mighty Name of Jesus that even your crippled babies will walk, your deaf, your mute, paralytics, spinal cord injuries, every kind of condition, wounds all over the body, ulcers, heart conditions, legs, cardiomyopathy, cardio conditions, the heart failures all those conditions the lung conditions, the kidneys, conditions of the esophagus, the tongue, cancers in the mouth, the teeth that LORD some of them even develop new teeth now; those whose teeth are rotten and the jaw bones are rotten.  You are now going to do a miracle of creation, Jehovah.

I have decreed now that every disease under the sun now obey this Terrible Prophetic Tongue and the words of my tongue and every disease now I take maximum authority and I dispatch you. I cancel you. I overrule you and decree the Blood of Jesus all over all the nation of Kenya; all over all the meetings and all people receive your healing now, in the Mighty Name of Jesus! So it shall be even across the other nations! Amen.”

The Messiah is coming prepare the way.



Live via www.Jesusislordradio.info August 26th, 2017, by the Mightiest Prophet Dr. Owuor.

The LORD Jehovah has spoken with me. The LORD Jehovah spoke with me today, the night before, this past night, not this one here, and the LORD showed me the sheep of Christ. And I see the sheep of Christ; these particular sheep I was seeing are white sheep. I saw the sheep of Christ who are white. And next to them was another creature, a beast, significantly bigger almost ten (10) times bigger than them.

And the LORD showed me that that beast was also camouflaged; it looked as though it was white.  It tried to look white –whitish– so it can be part of it so that it can blend into part of them.  Then the LORD allowed me to see that beast with long teeth like a dog, and a long tail; a very long tail that actually goes down. When it is moving that tail pulls on the soil.

Whitish camouflage…the LORD made me know it is not white; it is simply disguised, and long mouth like that of a wolf, with sharp teeth.  And I see that that wolf –when I looked at that wolf– that beast then it immediately ran onto the sheep, the small sheep; it is 10 times bigger.

Then it began –it tried– it begin to defile them; defiling them as in sexual defilement.  And that is when the LORD Jehovah gave me something in my hand, a weapon, and I struck it to kill it. So I see the beast that is going to disguise –a big senior leader or pastor, leadership, big inside meaning big position with them, but essentially intending to defile them.  But the LORD has announced here that He is given he that speaks with you authority to strike it down.

So whoever it is; a pastor, or a bishop, whoever it is, whoever it is that has been defiling the sheep, or intends to defile the sheep I think your time is over.

The Messiah is Coming. Prepare the way.



Live via www.Jesusislordradio.info August 17th, 2017, by the Mightiest Prophet Dr. Owuor.

The LORD Jehovah has spoken with me. Today, the LORD Jehovah spoke with me just a few hours ago, about this revival, the big revival that is consuming the nations of the Earth; the revival of the return to righteousness, the return to holiness, and to prepare the way for the glorious coming of the Messiah.

Well, in this conversation, the LORD, He took me to a place.  There is a graveyard; I see one tomb buried and another tomb.  So, I think the other second tomb was not yet buried: but it is at the graveyard.  And then the LORD resurrects, He resurrects a man — a young man– and he gets out of… I think… the coffin may have been put in the tomb already, so he comes out –out of the coffin– and he comes out of the tomb, and he walks away.  But when I look at my right I see another grave; however, on my left I see this grave and it had been dug.  And he’s a young man he is wearing brown clothes.  Brown –brown shirt– and he gets out of this coffin here, but they had laid the coffin.  I see as if the coffin had been placed in a tomb already, and not yet, probably not yet covered and he gets out of there and walks away.

Now, the LORD is speaking about the resurrection of the dead church in a very relentless, and consistent, and persistent way.  And we know that this is a tremendous highlight and climax of revival in the history of the church.  And this is coming at a time when we have we are still handling –we are still celebrating and handling– the resurrection of Mama Rosa.

In fact, right now in Nairobi, as I speak, there’s a very serious team that is working around the clock –all the way– the whole day the whole night till almost 4 a.m.  They are putting together the final documentary that is coming out today, or tomorrow; the powerful documentary with senior doctors on the tremendous wonder, a wonder on the resurrection of this woman in a stepwise way, a stun of this age .

But the LORD has spoken with me on this day about the resurrection of a young man.  Again, I go to this place and there is a woman there; I see them grieving, and on my right hand side there is this coffin and grave, tomb; it is dug.  And on the left hand side and on the right hand side there is another tomb, but covered.  The tomb on the right hand side is covered.  The left hand side, as I came from there, but as I went it is on my right this young man resurrects. He is wearing brown clothes and he walks away.  It is a tremendous thing to see him walking away.  And he stumbled a bit, and he walks, and there is joy.  And it is going to be a big time in the history of the church.

So I see resurrection. The LORD has spoken with me the LORD Jehovah, the God of Israel, the Mighty God of Heaven, the God that takes people to Heaven, the God of our LORD Jesus, the Father of all nations, the Father of our LORD Jesus, He has spoken with me about resurrection that is coming.  He sends me somewhere.  He sends His Servant somewhere, and I see there are two (2) tombs: one on the left, one on the right.  And then the one one of them is already covered the other is not yet covered, and the young man comes out of the tomb.  I don’t think it was fully covered he just pops out, but it looks like on the coffin where the coffin had been lowered, then he  comes out of there wearing brown clothes.

There is going to be a big revival globally. The LORD is saying that this is the hour in which He wants to resurrect and revive the church.

I have seen the Messiah coming. This is the Messenger of the rain; he about whom it was spoken, “I shall send my angel ahead of you to lead you to the promise that even as I saw I know him.  I really know him.  I have put My Spirit in him; My Name in him; and My Glory in him.  Please do not bring your rebellion to him, because I really know him.  He will not forgive you.”

The Messiah is coming.

Let the nations prepare. Let the church prepare in righteousness that she knows now what to do.  The message is all over the web: how to prepare, how to adhere to righteousness, how to use these lenses of holiness to look at every scripture in the Bible.

The Messiah is coming.



Live via www.Jesusislordradio.info August 6th, 2017, by the Mightiest Prophet Dr. Owuor.

The LORD, Jehovah, spoke with me this past night, at about 3 a.m., in the night. Again, about 3 a.m., in the night, the LORD Jehovah spoke with me this past night. And in that conversation, He showed me the resurrection of Mama Rosa. And then, resurrection, another that is coming up; but, after showing me this resurrection of Mama Rosa, the resurrection glory that anointing that He has brought the ministry, then at that point, the LORD showed me the tremendous powerful Glory of the LORD that left Heaven and came as a huge mountain, a huge mountain.

And this is now the pure white glory –pure white– like the glory the LORD normally uses to cover he that speaks with you. Like the glory He used to cover me at the Riverside Drive; pure white, pure snow white, whiter than snow. That glory that He uses to cover me many times, in the meetings above me, to follow me, the pillar that He puts on me, the kind of glory He used to cover me at the center of Helsinki, in Finland. The stunning sign and wonder of this age that we have seen when He covered me in the middle of Helsinki, in the city of Helsinki, Finland. The pure white Glory of the LORD. Pure white, as the kind that He used to cover me at the Riverside Drive when the LORD came and transfigured me. And also when He transfigured me in Helsinki, and even the other time when I was walking in Helsinki at that healing service. And the glory was pure, was gelling, and was swirling around in front of me. That type of glory, when the LORD showed me this resurrection and the same thing He has deposited here to he that speaks with you.

Then, all of a sudden, I saw Heaven open and a huge mountain of pure whiter than snow Glory came down to the meeting. There is a place that this will take place; there is a meeting that will take place and I think it is the National Thanksgiving Celebration Service where Australia has been exalted, has been raised, where the LORD has raised the Senior Archbishop of Australia. And I invited the church in Australia, and many other people globally will watch, they will watch.

But I am talking about in terms of visitation, and visiting this place that they have surrendered their date for this. But I’m talking about that big meeting, that particular meeting. I saw the tremendous pure Glory of the LORD the white Glory of the LORD descend. So I do not know what meeting it is. But it seems to me this meeting, because He showed me the resurrection of Mama Rosa. The pure white glory the kind that LORD covers me with when He transfigures me. The type that you saw Him cover me with in the middle of Helsinki at the healing service. The mighty sign and wonder of this generation –of this age– that we have been witness of.

And so I see that Glory coming down to the church, coming down to a place where I will be ministering. And I see the resurrection of Mama Rosa. I see her, and I see another resurrection door, amen. But in this case, it is the resurrection of Mama Rosa. And then now that glory comes. So this meeting, this upcoming meeting might be the place. So I have seen the pure white Glory of Jehovah. Pure white Glory like a mountain coming down from Heaven; coming down all the way to visit the Earth.

And my worries one, sometimes this Glory will take the church. It will be a matter of time and the Glory takes the church. So even as we celebrate the resurrection of Mama Rosa, we need to make sure that our bearing on righteousness…the church in Kenya has now hit a climax. They have now chosen righteousness. The revival has shocked the world now because their hearts are totally awaken; their souls are awakened their pursuit for righteousness and holiness. They live for the LORD. They live for righteousness at this hour.

And many other nations also now can follow this mighty, mighty Historic Revival we are witnessing in this land. And so, the church again will be visited in that pure white Glory. But the only caution here is that sometimes I have seen that Glory take the church. I AM NOT NOT SAYING THAT THAT WILL BE THE DAY OF THE RAPTURE –I’M NOT SAYING THAT– I’m only saying that we need to be very careful. I have seen the pure white, whiter than snow, Glory come from Heaven, come like a mountain and come all the way down where His Servant will be ministering.

And at that time, I see the resurrection of Mama Rosa, I see her. So that means, it might happen in this upcoming meeting where we have invited, the LORD has invited Australia the senior leadership there and the entire church if they can come. But this is a historic time then, when Jehovah Ori, the LORD my Light, Ori, Ori is my Light, Jehovah Misqabbi, the LORD my Hightower, Jehovah Machsi, the LORD my Refuge, Jehovah Ma’oz , the LORD my Fortress, Jehovah Chezeq, the LORD my Strength, Jehovah Elyon, the LORD Most High, Jehovah El Olam, El Gibbor, Jehovah Saboath, Jehovah Adonai, Elohim. He is coming to visit in a tremendous way in His most powerful Cloud, but the Cloud of the pure white Glory is coming.

This is the most historic time in the history of the life of the church. And that’s why it is such a powerful thing that this church is now celebrating the resurrection power of the LORD. This is the only church now globally that is out in the streets, and also wherever they are in their altars celebrating. This is the only church globally now that is celebrating the resurrection authority of the LORD that He gave us on the cross. The resurrection power of the Father that He descended on that cross when Jesus atoned for our sins, when He died and resurrected. And so, this is the only church right now; again, I repeat that is celebrating the resurrection power and anointing of the LORD: the Resurrection Glory of the LORD.

And so this is the climax. It is the climax because resurrection is the most powerful Authority of the LORD because death is the final enemy. Even the sin that the LORD rebukes and the LORD steers you away from. The wages of sin is death. Wickedness leads to death, evil, death; the devil brings death. So the slaying of the giant called death is the climax of revival in the church.

This is the pure demonstration of the power and the authority of the Christian salvation on the Earth here. And this is the only church –we are the only church– right now that is celebrating the resurrection power and the Authority of the LORD. And that’s why at this hour let the celebration go to the maximum. You have right and authority to celebrate to the max. This is the heart of revival now because death is the final enemy, and if death has been slayed then He talks about the hope, the hope we preached in the gospel of life beyond the tombs, life beyond the graves, life beyond this mortal realm has been fully demonstrated here now. And so now you can lift up your heads and celebrate like none other, like never before.

Now at this time, also, I have taken authority and released the healing anointing of the LORD. I have decreed a massive healing anointing of the LORD to cover all the churches that are tuned in, the churches of this ministry; that the cripples may get up and walk, the blind may see, the deaf may hear, the mute may speak, the lame may walk, the tumors may dissolve, the wounds dry up, the kidney failures may be resurrected, new kidneys that have been resurrected in their bodies, the heart conditions overruled and cancelled, the wounds dry up, HIV, “I’ve cursed you.” I’ve cursed the virus that it may dry up and you test negative in your hospitals.

I have decreed healing over every single disease under the sun by the Authority of the Power that the LORD gave Jesus on the cross. That Authority that the LORD has demonstrated in resurrecting Mama Rosa. By the Authority of the power of the Blood of Jesus, I now decree with my Prophetic Tongue the healing anointing all over all our churches now. And so it shall be according to the words of my terrible Prophetic Tongue.
Amen and Amen!

The Messiah is coming.

I bless you all as you celebrate.

This is the climax of revival.



The Highway of Holiness: Warning to the Present-Day Church, Globally, by Prophet Dr. Owuor!

Given on live global broadcast at http://www.jesusislordradio.info, August 1st, 2017.

The LORD Jehovah, the God of heaven has spoken with me about the highway of holiness and that is what I want to share with your listeners today. Jehovah, again, the LORD my Shield, that is in the Book of Deuteronomy (Deut 33:29). Jehovah Adonai, the LORD God, that you see in Genesis (Gen 15:2). Jehovah Kanna, the LORD, the Jealous God of Israel, Jehovah Hoshe’ah, the LORD my Savior, Jehovah Rophe, the LORD the Healer, Jehovah Ori, the LORD my Light, Jehovah Mephalti, the LORD my Deliverer, Jehovah Hamelech, the Great Righteous King, Jehovah Hashopet Mishpat – in Hebrew for Judge – the LORD, the Righteous Judge; He has spoken with me about the highway of holiness. And this is a very important message to the church.

And those of you who are able to write down –you can write this– the church world over, globally, regarding what the LORD is saying right now regarding the church, concerning the church, appertaining to the church. Jehovah Nissi, my Banner, I’m going to describe the conversation He engaged me in regarding the church, world over, globally. And then in that conversation those of you who can write, you can write as much as you can. But after that I will explain to you. I will give you the revelation for that conversation that took place not this night, but the night before this one.

In this tremendous conversation, the LORD takes me to a place and He shows me the Mission for which He sent me to the Earth. He shows me how I was digging the soil, and I was using an equipment to dig through soil, to create a road. So I could dig all the way and dig all the soil, and a long distance –long distance– and stand. He stood me up in one place, so I could look back at the road I have made. The road I have made but it’s narrow, it’s dirt, it’s dirt from a distance, very long, and plain. And then after that, I tarmacked that road. He gave me equipment and I was very busy.

I was working and sweating and tarmacking the road. Until that road was so plain, because the places that were deep I covered. I filled them with gravel and rocks and then the places that were raised I mowed them, so it was very, very plain. So I began to work very hard sweating and tarmacking a very long highway, very, very long highway. This highway appears to have been going across the entire Earth; but, very straight, absolutely straight. So from where I was standing, whenever I could reach a certain point the LORD would make me look back. He would stop me and allow me to look back at how far the highway is and straight, straight highway.

And this time around now from the dirty road tarmacked from digging through the dirt and making it plain, now I tarmacked it. I was soaking all over, sweating so much, and tarmacking. So the tarmac was so plain –very pure– and very straight, and very smooth. It was very clear that the LORD allowed me also to put curbs. The curbs are those things put at the edge of the road at the end of the road. They are little raises. They are raised maybe half a foot. So I was placing those curbs and cementing them very well so the curbs on both sides of the road. They really marked the extremities, the ends of the road. So, a very powerful tarmac now, very long, and very straight, absolutely and extremely straight that I could see very far from where I began.

And it was so plain and very beautiful road, then at one point I began, also, now to paint the road. I was using white paint and I marked. I marked the paint of the road so that you could see very clearly the different lanes, very straight lanes. And I was marking paint, sweating. I was sweating all over and marking the paint, marking the paint, marking all through, white, white paint, very beautiful white paint that marked the road for the different lanes. So the white road I can see almost –I don’t know how many lanes– my immediate eyes could see three (3) lanes that I’ve done.

Maybe there are more I’m going to do on the other side. But the wide road now, in terms of its capacity to take people. And then after that then now the LORD Jehovah, He showed me a lot of people at that time, as I was walking with Him now on this road, as I made the tarmac, then I saw a lot of people, a lot of people. No wonder I needed the three (3) lanes. A lot of people that were Christians, Christian in the church, this church I am talking about, this church, and they were marching.

The way they were marching it is as though…so that is amazing because I saw the current type of marching that you see going on in Kenya, the processions we are holding today for the resurrection of Mama Rosa. They say, “It is well.” “Mungu watu.” Meaning, “it is well, our GOD, Mungu wa Mtume, the GOD of the Prophet, Amefufuliwa, has resurrected Mama Rosa….Mama Rosa.” So that I saw the people, a large number that were marching that kind of lane, that kind of width of people, they were marching as though the procession I see going on to celebrate the resurrection of Mama Rosa. Walking on this highway, and I was in front and the LORD was walking with me as the entire were marching.

And when I look at the type of marching on this road –it shocked me very much– because it appeared like the processions we are having in Nairobi, we are having in Nakuru, we are having in Nanyuki, we’re have in Kakamega, we’re having in Kissi, in Keroka, Nyamira, Bondo, in Kisumu, in Mombasa, Kwale, Kilifi, these processions we are having in Nyeri, everywhere …Borana, all these processions we are having around here celebrating Mama Rosa, with banners. and placards that is what it seemed like for those that are walking on the highway.

So it really shocked me so much. Because it made me understand something very important: that when the LORD sent me with His authority to overrule death, overrule death and to bring resurrection, to resurrect, to raise Mama Rosa from being a dead rotting corpse until now she’s alive today, she’s alive, she’s well. You know?

So when the LORD did that I am now amazed that when this revival broke out, and people are marching in processions in different towns of Kenya, celebrating the resurrection of Mama Rosa, I’m very shocked by this dream, because this dream has opened my eyes, actually opened my eyes to reveal to me that this marching we are seeing in the streets, the church marching –this church– celebrating the resurrection of Mama Rosa; they are actually walking on the Highway of the LORD headed to heaven.

So that shocked me very much. That these processions, these celebrations as we walk, “Mungu watu, it is well, the words of the Mighty Prophet of the LORD.” So when people march, I have now understood it better from this conversation with Jehovah. That when people are marching in the street –I did not know– so they are essentially walking on the Highway of the LORD headed to heaven: the highway of holiness. All of them from different towns. So how about those who are not marching?

And that is why at one point, when people are celebrating I asked, I had a meeting, there was a meeting of the Council of Bishops and I invited in the council the Army Corps who are friends of that council and some of them were professors, and I remember at one moment I asked the professors. I told them, “I’ve been wondering. Are the professors also marching with people celebrating ‘Mungu watu, It is well, Mungu watu, Mungu wa Mtume’ are they also marching in the streets. The lawyers, the doctors, the professors. And then some of them they told me, “Yes, its true, we are marching too.”

So that is so powerful, because this marching in the streets, celebrating the resurrection of Mama Rosa, now I have a revelation from the LORD based on this conversation here, based on this dream. That that marching is essentially the church walking on the highway of holiness and headed to heaven, to the glorious Kingdom of God. That shocked me very much.

Now, within that dream, as now I am walking with the LORD and I see the church they are following, they are following me as walking on this highway that I was digging and tarmacking and marking with the white paint. The Lord also walking with me there, on my right hand side, and as they followed in multitude, marching, walking into heaven, then the LORD showed me another way.

The LORD now takes me exactly parallel to this highway, which is tarmacked and beautiful, which I was making and sweating. Now parallel as you see the way the highways are made when you want to get to another, or maybe to the shopping centers; sometimes there is a little ditch that looks like a drainage. So I could see that there was a bit of a drain, but it was where a lot of grass has grown there, and weeds, and what; it was kind of bushy.

But you could see very clearly that between the Highway of the LORD, where people were marching, celebrating the resurrection power of Jehovah, the resurrection of Mama Rosa, essentially now we know marching to heaven, now there was another road. A road parallel, also, but this was a road of dirt, a dirt road and it was narrow; it was very, very narrow and its full of dust and a lot of rocks, and what; it was not plain and it ditches it was a narrow path I could say almost, almost half a meter or so half a meter in width, but some people were walking on that road.

That’s what shocked me!

Some Christians were actually walking parallel, but on a dusty road. And I want to explain this very carefully. Now that’s the soil, the soil is reddish, your reddish your typical reddish soil. It is not tarmacked; it is a dirt road with a lot of rocks and stones and what, and they were riding –I see one that was leading them I see riding a bicycle– some of them are riding bicycles they’re the ones leading them on this other road, which is parallel to the Highway of the LORD and this road had so much dust, so much dust and polvo. You know? To the extent that these dirt roads where the dust becomes like flour, but red such as if a vehicle were to pass there or a bicycle then you see a lot of dust, fumes of dust.

So some people shocked me. Some Christians, they were actually –the LORD showed me– they were walking parallel also, but on this other road, which is dirt, unmade, it’s not yet made, and it’s full of a lot of grass, and stones and what, and it was quite cumbersome to walk on that road. And as they were walking there was one particular person that was on a bicycle that was leading them. As he was riding his bicycle leading them, and other smaller bicycles, also leading people walking there, as he was riding we were on this side with the LORD walking on this beautiful tarmacked and prepared road that is plain.

But here there are the small little valleys and what. It had not been prepared this way. And they were walking; it was dusty road, no effort had been put there, this road was bad.

So, as they were walking parallel to the Highway of the LORD then what amazed me is that as the Highway of the LORD continued this person who was leading them with the bicycle, all of a sudden the LORD brings me at the point where he reaches a place we’re all of the sudden the LORD shows me how the road ends; that small part ends and the ditch, almost two miles deep it falls into a ditch. It is not a hole because it goes down two miles deep and all that is deep all the way. So it is not even a hole; it is as though it falls into a sharp vertical fall into a valley, a two mile deep valley, and all that is deep like that.

So he was riding and people were following him and he almost toppled over because he ran into that ditch that hole instant! He was not aware that the hole was there the trap, and he almost toppled over. And I saw how he almost toppled, then he held back. And when he held back like this –the from where I was on the Highway of the LORD– the LORD asked me to rebuke them. By voice the LORD Jehovah asked me to rebuke them. And I remember rebuking them saying, “Look! How can you do that? You are going to die. Turn back! Turn back! You are going to die!”

So they stopped at that point –he almost toppled over– the LORD made me know about two miles deep. And it is not a hole –it is that much whole– but the entire of that region now is two (2) miles deep so you could say a big hole. As the other Highway of the Lord continues though, and I remember the person who almost toppled over who was leading them on this other road after hearing my rebuke, and I told them to reverse, to go back, and find their way to this highway. So, I was speaking to them from the other side now, from the Highway of the LORD, with the LORD and the children of God marching on the other side.

Then I remember, they try to reverse, they reverse, they reverse. And as they were reversing I could see a lot of other women and people mostly they were women lined up they wanted to enter a house. They wanted to enter a house to see an apostate leader –apostate– apostate someone who has fallen into apostasy. So I can see that lining of women also, but they were reversing, anyhow.

So really they were reversing now because they almost toppled over and died. And they reverse up to a place, about, let’s say about ten (10) meters –like this– and they found a place where now on the path they were this dirty path, which is unmade with deep holes, and what, and rocks, and everything. On their right now, there was a small path that connected. It looked like it would connect this path to the Highway of the LORD so that they could make a connection and get back to the highway. Because I essentially told them to get back on the highway.

So as I was standing there I could see they were now preparing. But if you look at this ditch, because the connection between the small –this other fake road they were on– and the Highway of the LORD which is tarmacked, is that ditch I was talking about. There is this drainage like ditch. This is now like a drainage connecting. It is as though when you are driving to Nakuru, or you’re driving to an even place and there is a main highway, and at the sides of the highway are shopping centers, but in between the highway and the shopping centers there’s normally a drainage ditch; something like that.

However, this time is kind of an African setting where you have a lot of grass there. It is not made. That drainage is not made so you have a lot of bushes and grass; but, I could see that there is a path. There is now a path that connects those people that were lost on another highway.

I was telling them to connect back to the Highway of the LORD where everybody was so that they may come with us. So there is a path that connects now from their dirt road, which is unmade, to the Highway of the LORD. And they could see that at that point that path goes a little bit down through drainage like bushy path, and connects to a place where the highway appeared to have opened the curb a little bit like for drainage water flow. However, I could also see that going in down a bit before they go up into the highway, there were some stairs; steps that were made, which were made just by simply taking a hole and digging. Digging the soil like there were some steps.

Even now I can still see them. They’re like two or three steps. So they were wondering, with our bikes, with our bicycles the leader was wondering with my bicycle how will I run down the bicycle on these stairs and go down the small ditch like this? The path I could see now. I could see the path. It was not straight connecting. It was wavering a little bit left like this, and coming a little bit right, and supposed to connect to the Super Highway, to the Highway of the LORD. And in the process, what amazed me is that as they have seen the path they were wondering how to ride the bicycle on the two (2), three (3) steps, which were really soil. You just dig soil. You dig two levels and clear the steps, the stairs. But as they we’re planning now to go because we could see the path very clearly that now can connect them to the Highway of the LORD.

However, as they were standing there with their leader planning how to connect to the highway, then what amazed me it’s as though someone used some plants over there to make a fence as if someone’s homestead. Now I’m at the bottom of that ditch almost like a valley, which is like a drainage between the two highways; the separation between the two roads one is this other road the other one is the Highway of the LORD.

The separation that drainage like ditch actually now this path that connects the two (2) goes through this small little valley, but it’s as though someone’s homestead has used some plants to make a fence, but they were porous, there were big holes on the fence. I could see the holes on the fence as they were preparing to cross over now to join everybody else on the Highway of the LORD; where the LORD was and His Mightiest Servant. And so, as they were planning to see how they could stop with their bicycles boom, boom, boom, jump over, jump over the stairs…

FULL ORACLE AND PROPHECY, please, kindly click here



Live via www.Jesusislordradio.info July 27th, 2017, by the Mightiest Prophet Dr. Owuor.

The LORD has spoken with me. I want your listeners to know the LORD has spoken with me this past night. And there is a continuing conversation the LORD is having with me about the Mission of the LORD, in Australia. I see, yesterday, I see that the LORD takes me to that meeting. And at that meeting there is a healing service, and just as the LORD brings His Servant right into the meeting –like this– at a healing service, there is a lady, a girl.

I think she is, maybe, I don’t know how old she is but probably –I hope it is a girl, not a slim woman– yes, so I see a woman is wearing a flowered, a flowers, a cloth with flowers. If she is a girl she’s going to be going to be around, probably, thirteen (13), fourteen (14), fifteen (15), like this or, maybe she is a woman that has been ailing, because I see that she is not able to walk.

She is lying there, but I immediately –the LORD brings me– the cloth is flowers I see a bit of flowers. I see some colors there like light blue, and mixed colors. But as the LORD brings me into the meeting, the healing service, all of the sudden the LORD touches her and she gets up, and she walks! So that was very stunning, a very mighty, a very mighty moment in that meeting.

I do not know whether that is in Perth, Australia, or it is in Sydney. It looks to me more it is in Perth, as though it is something happening in Perth, Australia. And then, at the same time when she gets up a crippled boy, also, gets up and walks. I think a little boy. I don’t know how old this boy is, probably five (5), or six (6), seven (7), like this gets up and walks. And I see as if it was a crutch, something the boy was wearing, and the boy begins now to walk. I don’t know whether limping; begins to walk as though limping a bit that was not walking before. And the day before yesterday the LORD, again, showed me a tremendous healing anointing that will come there, and visit that place, and heal the people and also heal the church: heal the condition of the church.

Remember, it is both physical and spiritual healing that all of these things point towards the glorious coming of the Messiah.

And in yesterday’s conversation with the LORD, when He took me to Australia I see very clearly that at the healing service, at healing service now –yes– now at the healing service, when that woman gets up and the cripple the boy –I don’t know whether he was crippled or lame on one leg, I think one leg is crippled— finally the LORD touches that leg and they walk!

Then I see the Servant of the LORD. I see myself asking, “Where are the others? Where are the other people that need healing? Where have they gone to? Where are they?”

You see? And then after that I see as if people around him they surround him at the healing service there, mesmerized at this moment. And then I see the Servant of LORD squat down and cry for the church. I see him cry and weep a lot of tears. The LORD made me weep very bitterly, very, very bitterly and said, “Look! Look now! Look at this anointing here! Look! When the LORD just brought me just my presence, when my presence just entered the door like this the healing anointing raised that woman, and raised this crippled boy! (Lame or crippled whatever the case be.) Raised this crippled boy, raised that woman that was bedridden. You people you must now believe! You must now believe that the Messiah is coming!”

And I began to weep very bitterly there for the condition of the church in Australia, and to cry unto them to prepare the way; to give up the pursuit for the things of the world.

So this is the event I am seeing. And I saw another meeting earlier. The conference that takes place in Perth, Australia. Again, I think it is Perth, Australia, and I see that many people have come. They have already come for the conference: many, many, many pastors. And for some reason I come late, and so I come late; so, I know that the LORD is asking me to arrange my schedule in that way, because many pastors come. But I don’t know whether it was flight, or whatever reason I come late. So, that is the adjustment we are doing now.

The LORD is saying that right now He is speaking about Australia, and the LORD intends to revive the church in Australia to bring an awakening to that land. Australians are Christians that love the LORD. Australia is a Christian nation. They love the LORD so much. So this is going to be a very important moment, a refreshing time for the church in Australia. And, again, the LORD has raised the same pertinent issues. The LORD has spoken about sexual immorality in the church; the post modernism that you see in the church; the gospel of prosperity that says you can bribe God here and get away, you can get away with righteousness, get away with holiness, and get away with right standing with God, get away with fear of God, get away with reverence unto Jehovah. He is saying that time is out for that gospel of prosperity!

And now as He sends me to Australia, there is going to be a greater need for the clergy, for the pulpit, to hearken unto the message of righteousness and the return to holiness that Australia will now receive. And He is saying that that is the gateway to the End Revival! That is the door that leads the church in Australia, and the nation of Australia to the End Revival that prepares for the beautiful glorious coming of the Messiah. Now, that this revival is beautiful no one can gainsay on that, you know? This revival is so beautiful. They have seen what has happened in Kenya.

We are right now handling a very powerful revival in this country. All this time I have set apart, about, I have said for more than a year I am not going to do a healing service in this country. Probably, we are looking at December, December 31, 2018, or some mid-spring, spring 2019 that’s what I have set for Kenya –when we will do again– the LORD will send me to do another healing service, a revival. But look now what the LORD has done meanwhile in the interim right from home, right from where His Servant is where the Man of God is right now, without going to the healing service. You see the many cripples that walked in the land the other day. You see the cripple that walked in Finland, in a city, Porvoo.

You see now the resurrection of mama Rosa. And just today I was going through all the records of the doctors, the senior most doctor that is actually documenting the resurrection; the stepwise reversal of death, the senior most doctor, the Deputy Director of Medical Services, in this land, Dr. Zachary Kasepoi, also, senior consultant surgeon, and professor of medicine at the Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital. I was going through his documentation, and the recordings he recorded in the observations since he certified the death and resurrection of mama Rosa, and following her very keenly step-by-step how she is doing, on a daily basis. The progress she is making. I was going through that today, and you see that Kenya has a beautiful revival that Australia does not want to miss!

No nation, really, wants to miss this revival, because somewhere you hear the doctor saying that this dead body that this corpse was rotting. And then when he is asked again, “You mean this corpse was rotting?” He says, “This was a rotten corpse, rotten. The intestines and stomach; it was rotten. This was a rotten corpse; a rotten dead body that the LORD used His Mightiest Prophet to resurrect.

So that is a powerful revival in the church! That is a tremendous landmark in the history of the church! That is now the changing of the worship experience in the church. That means the LORD has now raised the church, raised the Christian worship, the Christianity followers of Christ, the religion we profess and confess: Salvation in Christ Jesus. The LORD has used this resurrection now to establish that there is no other God in the whole face of the Earth, and in the entire universe except Jehovah, the God of Israel.

And I remember very well when the LORD was calling me way back, and His hand came and wrote. He wrote on the wall Isaiah 43:11, and verse one (1) Isaiah 43:1. And you see very clearly that Isaiah 43:11, He was introducing Himself. That’s why He arranged them as Isaiah 43:11 and verse one (1) when He came to call me, walked in, He walked into my bedroom. And He wrote on the wall, and He covered it with transparent plexi-plastic, Isaiah 43:11, and Isaiah 43:1, in that order.

And when you look at verse eleven (11) you see Jehovah introducing Himself to me, when He came to call me. Isaiah 43:1, verse one, then now here is the calling. He is bringing the calling, saying, “Now he who created you, oh Israel, He who formed you He who created you, oh Jacob, He formed, oh Israel; I have called you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.”

So that is the calling; however, Isaiah 43:11 that you begin with, you see and hear Him say,
Isaiah 43:11 “I, even I, am the LORD; and apart from me there is no Savior.”

And there is no other time, in the history now of the church, the modern church, when this scripture here has now come true. Because only Jehovah is the Savior. Only Jehovah can save people from death; can save us from hell, from eternal death. Only Jehovah is God.

I, even I, am the LORD; and apart for me there is no Savior. Meaning all the other gods are now are idol gods, not worthy to be worshiped. That is what the resurrection of mama Rosa has resonated to the ends of the Earth, even Australia, New Zealand, the islands of the Earth, to the ends of China, and South Korea, all the way to Alaska, to North America, Canada, Central, South, Islands, Africa, everywhere, Europe. The LORD is saying that this is the moment now when revival is sweetest. Revival in the church is most powerful: establishing the church, establishing the authority of the church; establishing the authority of the pulpit; the authority of the Christian believer!

This is the hour at which Christians lift up their heads. Walk with raised heads up, and go and proclaim the gospel of Jesus, and tell the dying world that there is no other Name by which man can be saved from death, except the glorious name of Jesus!

The LORD has now established the church in the eyes of the nations of the Earth, at this hour as we speak.

And that is why the LORD is speaking to me about Australia, at a very interesting time when all about the heavenly emissary, the heavenly envoy, the heavenly delegation to the Earth to the church is about revival, sweet revival, mighty revival, glorious revival, holy revival preparing the way; doing the grand finale, finalizing, winding down the things on the Earth, and preparing for the glorious coming of the Messiah!

And that’s why at this moment the LORD has presented an opportunity for Australia, also, to be able now to receive, to be able now to get a chance to join this massive wave: the wave that is renewing the church. That is reestablishing holiness in the house; that is rebuilding the worship that Jesus surrendered to us on the cross. So, Australia prepare the way the Messiah is coming. But this is far beyond Australia. There are many nations across the Earth, also, many nations longing for this revival. The opportunity is the same.

So may the LORD bless you.

Jesus the Messiah is coming!



Live via Jesusislordradio.info July 25th, 2017, by the Mightiest Prophet Dr. Owuor.

The LORD has spoken with me the LORD Jehovah, Jehovah Hashopet, the LORD the Judge, He has spoken with me today. The LORD the Judge that you see in the book of Judges, chapter 11:27. He has spoken with me today about a tremendous event that is about to take place on the Earth. I see a place, and this place has a meeting. I see a meeting taking place there, and when I look within that vicinity I see a slight hill in front of me and that hill has many trees there. There are many trees –it is like a homestead or something– or some settlement with many trees in a small hill ahead of me here, tall trees.

And that place looks more like the United States of America. I think this is the United States of America. But anyhow, tall trees ahead of me like a homestead there, or like some settlements are there. And I was having a meeting on this other side. I could see a meeting right about two kilometers or so from there — a plain like this– and there is another hill that rises on my right hand side. If I am facing that place I am talking about where the trees are then the other hill, slight hill is on my left. So at that place, at that hill there, all of a sudden a phenomenon takes place. All of a sudden, out of the ground gushes –I don’t know whether the cloud came from above and hit it first– it looks more like a cloud came from above and hit the place, a place where they are; but, out of the ground gushes dust, black dust, and a lot of running begins. It is shocking. It is a lot of dust.

The LORD puts me already there. The LORD has taken me into the future. I have already lived that day. So, we begin to run, I begin to run also for my life –there was a big panic–we were running for our lives. And as we were running, as the dust, the dust was coming our way from that place where the trees were towards the hill there –the settlement– when the big cloud from above came and hit the soil a huge black dust, columns, and columns and waves of black dust begin to flow towards us; we began to run away, and all of a sudden then water also appeared from the ground and began to flood and chase us.

So we began to run. I ran towards the hill. I began to run towards the hill that if I face that place it would be on my left. The hills would be on my left, but if I am running away from them there hills would be on my right. So I ran towards the hills, because the water was coming full speed to flood everything else, these other homes that were ahead of me here where I was.

So there is a tremendous distress that is coming –a wonder– it looked to me more like it’s somewhere in the America’s, it’s in the America’s. (hmm?) It is in the America’s, because I thought this look like it’s in the United States of America. So this is the kind of distress that is coming.

Again, I see something very big dark cloud coming in the form of a funnel and hit, hit the land where there are tall trees and there’s a settlement, there are homes there. But when this cloud hits the ground out of the ground comes a lot of dust, dark dust, dark black dust comes out of the ground, and when that happens out of the ground the black dust out of the ground, then there is a lot of running the fumes and dust, people are closing their noses. I was running and closing my nose. We were running away as I was closing my nose. (uh?) Running away, closing the nose (uh?) in fear that we would inhale the dust. And then all of a sudden water also came from the ground and began to become high speed flooding the homes. And we were running away so I went towards the hills and these emergency care people announcing to people with microphones, announcing, “Evacuate! Evacuate!”  So this is what is coming to the Earth. The LORD has spoken with me about this.

Now, the book of Daniel chapter 12, speaks very, very clearly, Daniel, the end time prophet of the LORD, the book of Daniel chapter 12 speaks very, very clearly about this hour, and this time. We see that this is a very historic time in the history, and the life of the Earth, and the church. And in that scripture, the LORD says that there will be a distress at that time –meaning in these days– there will be a distress at that time –meaning these days before the return of the Messiah, Christ Jesus my LORD– and He says, at that time there will be distress, unparalleled distress, unequaled distress as has not happened before since from the beginning of the creation of the nations. And then he says that within the midst of that distress those whose names will be found written in the Book of Life those whose names will be found written in the Book of Life will be delivered.

So this is such an awesome scripture –this hope for us as Christians– when we look at these things that are about to happen that I’ve prophesied –we look at them with spiritual eyes– we use our spiritual eyes to look at them. And the Bible says that when you see these things, “you” just lift up your heads, look up into the sky, and know that your deliverance has now come; your deliverance is near. It means the coming of the Messiah, the coming of the Messiah is now in hand, at hand. We are living through a tremendous…this is the most exciting time in which to be a Christian, to be born again. All these are the landmarks, they are the demarcations on the prophetic timeline of God. That God Almighty promised in the Bible that the zero countdown to the coming of the Messiah. So you can imagine for those who are Christians this should be reason for us to be happy. Why? Because we know, surely, the Earth is not our eternal home.

Woe unto those who have invested unto this Earth, who have relied on the creature, creature, creature, creature, created things who have worshiped creature, created things, objects, created by God; homes, the Earth…property. He’s saying that blessed are those that will now hearken to the requirements and the ordinances of the LORD; the righteous decree, the righteous requirements of God, the holy ordinances of God.

And in this tremendous prophecy that I am releasing today to the four (4) ends of the Earth of what is coming to the Earth, you can clearly see that the LORD is actually –He’s giving forth, He’s projecting forth– He’s announcing forth His holy oracles. He is saying, “Look! I am holy so be holy for I am holy, and prepare for the coming of the Messiah. For without holiness nobody will see the LORD.”

These are the signs, the distress that Jesus himself talks about in the book of Matthew 24 were he talked about different paralled distress that will hit the Earth. All of a sudden now, where people are where there is land, I don’t know whether there are homes in that place, but now look I see something like a tornado, a cloud of tornado from heaven from above the sky hits that soil, and I see the dust. I do not know whether it is the dust that came up and fumed like a cloud, like a funnel of cloud. It looks more like it could be the dust, the soil within from the soils explosion of that dust went up in fumes and joined with the sky. Fumes of dark cloud and that’s why we’re running when the dust was now spewing the side and then all of the sudden it became water flooding more like volcanic water –but pure water really– water flooding. We were afraid as we ran. As I ran, I was afraid that the water would be hot also; (huh) people running to the hills.
And he said, at this hour we are living at the critical threshold. We are living on the verge of eternity. The Earth is living on the verge of eternity. The LORD is saying that this Earth will come to destruction. Woe unto those that have trusted and entrusted themselves unto the Earth. Woe unto those who that have depended on this Earth, because He’s saying for all those that are created by Jehovah, those that are obedient unto the LORD this is the hour now to pursue righteousness; the hour to make amends in our lives, the hour to trust in Jesus, to be born again: being born again is holy.

This thing you see in the church in Australia where Christians think that there is another version, “the Australian standard version” of Christianity where it is jumping, dressing the way you want, and worldliness. This thing you see in Europe, New Zealand, you see in Asia, you see the church in the United States, North America, Canada, Central America, South America, the church in the islands, in the Caribbean. This thing you see where the church in Africa, everywhere, there is the “trend” where they’re bent to modernity; they’re leaning to modernity and salvation, Christianity according to 2017 standard version, modernism and modernity. Where women dress the way they want, they dress with nudity in the church, immorality is in the house. Abortions are in the house, lusting and what, worship has become a place where now there is sexual lust going on in the house.

The LORD is saying that the genuine the true worship experience that Jesus inaugurated on that cross is holy worship, holiness, holiness, righteousness, and that the LORD is separated from sin. And He requires of those that worship Him to also separate from sin. Because when he said the Lamb of God is blameless, then later, that being the name of the Lamb, the Lamb that is Christ Jesus, the perfect Lamb of God, Christ Jesus my LORD that went to the cross and redeemed the nations, redeemed humanity from sin; that his middle name is Blameless, blamelessness. He said owing to that, now the followers, the Christians, Christ followers, also unto them is required that blamelessness that we should live our lives under the influence of the Holy Spirit, and make sure that we make every effort to shun sin, to reject sin, to have zero tolerance to sin, to refuse sin.

We live in such a tremendous time. Look at what is happening in the body of Christ. Look at the resurrection of a dead body that is being celebrated in Kenya today, right now.

Tremendous, Historic!

Look at how the LORD has even slowed down that resurrection of mama Rosa, in Kenya, and the whole world is now aware and celebrating globally. Look at the way the LORD delayed, when she was resurrected, when He sent he that speaks with you to resurrect her. She could not even walk. She could not even sit up. She had to ask, “Can you help me sit?” And then look now, she was blind for six days after her resurrection. The eyes were still dead; after six days is when the eyes opened.

Tremendous Sign and Wonder of this age!

This is the most exciting, and the most powerful, and the most interesting time to ever be born again as a Christian, a Christ follower, a worshiper of Jehovah. This is the most beautiful time when the LORD has used this resurrection right now to affirm and confirm to all the nations of the Earth that surely there is no other god, except Jehovah, the only God of Israel, the God of Heaven! Because He alone could resurrect a dead body. Other gods, their gods have died. They’ve not been resurrected, their prophets have died and never resurrected!

But now when the LORD sends His Mightiest Prophet, He gives him authority and power over death to resurrect a dead body!

What an exciting time to be a Christian. Because surely, yes, now it is known that only Jehovah is God! He is the true living God and there is no other God. Meaning at this hour, all the other gods on the Earth must shut down. Ey! And that’s why the LORD is saying that look, look at the resurrection, the tremendous moment in the church, in the body of Christ right now, the resurrection of mama Rosa. When the LORD sent me to resurrect that dead woman, that dead corpse –stinking and stenched– stinky and smelly and the death, the stench of death, the death.

And He slowed down the resurrection.

You see that the eyes become alive after six (6) days. The ears begin to hear after six (6) days. After fourteen (14) days she is eating, she gets to go to the restroom, good things that were rotten…only after fourteen (14) days they are resurrected. You can see she has no memory after some days then she can now see her kids and remember and look at the words she speaks when she goes live on air. She addresses the Earth and tells them, “Look! This is the Messenger from Heaven. Do not miss this! Only Jehovah is God. Listen to him only he leads us to Jesus, the kingdom of the Messiah.

What an amazing time to be a Christian. What a beautiful time in the house of the LORD. And in Kenya this celebration will continue. The sermon of the church, the praise of the church, the worship of the church, in Kenya, has now changed eternally, eternally. The sermons are now about resurrection. And, yes indeed, that is the hope that the LORD has given the church.

Meaning now for all those that believe in Christ Jesus, for all those that are in this Ministry of Repentance and Holiness and have obeyed the words of the LORD spoken by this Voice of God they now have hope beyond death! Ey! Now they can live. Now they can surpass death. That is a tremendous sermon that is happening in the church now. So that’s why when the LORD brings up this prophecy of the huge, out of the soil explosion of dust, like fumes. Wow! I think the cloud came and touched the soil and people are running, I’m running there, and then water (bwu), begins to exude out, bust out of the soil and distress consumes the land.

That is beauty! That’s a beautiful moment on the Earth.

He’s saying, we are waiting for the Kingdom of Christ Jesus, the Messiah. The Messenger that prepares the way is here. And that gives us joy because the coming of the Messiah then has drawn nigh, has drawn nearer than before.

How awesome! The dead are now resurrecting. Tremendous!

And I have seen another resurrection also. So, it is on and on and on and the greater revival, the greater wonder that the LORD promised is now taking place. Many, many, many millions, in Kenya, now are returning to the LORD. This church alone, this church, this ministry where I am standing and speaking now, people have obliged us, people have come in their largest millions and join now owing to this resurrection.

And so the LORD is saying let all the nations now begin to worship Jesus in holiness. Worship God the Father, through Christ Jesus in holiness. Because yes, indeed, Christ Jesus defeated death on the cross, on the cross. And the testament to that defeating of death more than 2000 years ago now has become real in Kenya, real in the Body of Christ with the resurrection of this dead corpse. Now we know she’s called mama Rosa. How awesome in 2017 to realize the gains that the Messiah made for us on the cross at Calvary! That now, He sends His messenger that prepares the Way with authority and power and enter the realm of the dead and snatch the dead from the jaws of death and bring back and defeat death to testify that yes, Jesus defeated death! Ey!

Prepare the Way, beloved people. Prepare the Way. I have seen the Messiah coming. I have seen my LORD coming.

And God the Father, has sent me to defend the Ministry of the Messiah, the Blood of the Messiah, the Cross of the Messiah because the Kingdom of the Messiah is now near. May those who have ears all over the Earth, now turn away from sin, now question the immorality in the church, now question the falsehood you see in the church, question the false prophets, question your false apostles. This is the hour now, when the church has to make gains on righteousness and holiness. And those that will hearken to this voice, you will see the glorious eternal Kingdom of God. You too, will now defeat death.

The LORD bless you. This is he about whom the Bible spoke, about whom the Scriptures wrote that the LORD shall send a messenger to prepare the way for the Messiah.



Live via Jesusislordradio.info July 16th, 2017, by the Mightiest Prophet Dr. Owuor.

The LORD has spoken with me, today. The LORD Jehovah has spoken about the war that is coming to South Korea. This is a very urgent prophecy: there is war coming to South Korea. And this night the LORD Jehovah He took me to South Korea. And He showed me the war that is coming to South Korea; it is going to be an urgent war. And He put me in the house there, as you know the way the LORD speaks with His Servant, He takes him, he lives that day. He takes him forward so he lives that day. And He takes him to the venue and he gets involved. So, He has taken me to South Korea, and the North Korean army attacks the South Korean army.

There was a big panic, so the LORD put me in a house and they came. They knocked out the CCTV cameras and so they appeared and they were attacking the house where I was. I could see the soldiers have attacked from all entrances. So again, there is a war that is coming to South Korea, to the Korean Peninsula, and the LORD this night He spoke with me about that war. There is going to be a serious escalation of war. I see North Korea invade. North Korea is going to attack South Korea. I do not know the escalation of it, how far it will go, whether it involves nuclear war; but, I see that the soldiers from North Korea have attacked South Korea. The LORD took me already to South Korea. I have seen the great distress that will take place there during that time.

Again, this is a prophecy I am giving now. The LORD Jehovah has spoken with me about a distress that is coming to Korea, to the whole Earth, but to the Korean Peninsula and there is going to be a severe escalation of a conflict between the North and South. And I see the North Korean army attack, attack. So they are going to attack South Korea. Well, this is going to be a big distress globally, global distress that will take place. These things, as I have said, you will soon see in your news. You will soon see them take place in the global news network; even as the words of my tongue have spoken, the mouth of the LORD has spoken.

Now the book of Daniel 12:1 this is what he says, he says, “And at that time of the end Michael shall arise, the great angelic prince who defends and has charge over your people.” And he goes on to say, “And there shall be in time of trouble, a time of distress, and straitness, such as never was since there was a nation until that time. But at that time your people shall be delivered, everyone whose name shall be found written in the Book of Life, the book of God’s plan for his own people.” Now the Bible promises that in these days as we prepare for the glorious of the coming of the Messiah that there would be a time of distress set in. And as you can see there has been brewing.

There has been a recruitment of this war, the Korean war, one of the global wars. There has been a serious conflict brewing between South and North Korea and we have the United States on one side, and North Korea doing its thing with the missiles, and everything. But the LORD has now spoken with me this night very, very urgently that the North Korea army is going to attack the South Korean army. I do not know the extent of the attack, but the LORD took me there and it was a very serious moment of distress.

Now, I have seen the coming of the Messiah. And the Bible speaks very, very clearly about he that speaks with you. The Bible speaks very clearly that the LORD will send him to warn the Earth, and to prepare the nations, and prepare the way for the glorious coming of the Messiah. And so these are the signs that Jesus talked about in the book of Matthew 24. There would be a great distress. He talks about the massive great distress as has not happened before, since from the beginning of creation of the nations, until then, which is now.

In the book of Daniel, also. Daniel is an end time prophet, also. He saw this time coming. Prepare the way blessed people. Let all the nations use these landmarks that all the nations use these signs of the time to turn away from sin; turn away from sexual immorality, turn away from lies, turn away from a life of postmodernism turn away from a life of lies and deception, turn away from this perversion and heedlessness this hedonism that you see consume the entire Earth, and become kind of a trend: homosexuality, lesbianism, and the worshiping of all other religions, all other gods.

Let everybody now turn to worshiping Jehovah the Holy God of Israel, and pursue a holy life. Turn away from alcoholism. Turn away from drugs, all the smoking, all these things; the nude dressing of women all across the world. The LORD is announcing to the four ends of the Earth that the Messiah is coming, and now all people need to prepare for that glorious day of the coming of the King, the Messiah. Everybody has seen the sign. In Kenya now you can see the nation is dealing with the resurrection of a dead corpse. These are tremendous signs that cannot go unattended. Nobody can ever claim that they have not seen the sign of the time: the sign of the coming of the Messiah.

Again, the Bible says that these distresses would be the signal, the sign, that surely, yes, the Messiah indeed is coming.

He that speaks with you today, this is he about whom the Bible wrote, the Scriptures wrote: That look I will send my messenger ahead of you to prepare your way before your glorious day.



Live via Jesusislordradio.info July 7th, 2017, by the Mightiest Prophet Dr. Owuor.

The LORD has spoken with me. The LORD Jehovah has spoken with me, and I know there are big celebrations going on in this country right now on the resurrection of the corpse of a dead body, of a dead corpse that is now Rosa who is walking, but the LORD Jehovah has spoken with me about the nation of Kenya. Jehovah Elohim, Hamelech, the Righteous Judge, Jehovah Hashopet, He has spoken with me about the nation of Kenya and about the coming elections.

Well, I see people running and throwing stones. I see people running and police chasing people, people running. I see a situation –people throwing stones and people running. I see a state of chaos, and in another dream, again, I see a community that is being herded out –is passing through another community– but there is so much evil and mayhem.

And then, yes, the second dream I see a community that is being chased from a place so they are passing through another community, and there is hostility between the two communities that I see in the dream. And today I saw again stones –people running with their children, fearing, gunfire, and all this –running. There was a situation.

So, I see– and then the third dream I saw that darkness covered the land, but Kenya somehow makes it through. She is able to pass through to the other side beyond the dark day.

(1) So the message to Kenya is very simple: the revival of Jehovah is in this land. The revival of the LORD. The most historic revival in the entire history of the Earth, since the Earth was created, the most historic revival in the history of the Bible, since the Bible was written is in this land; and, nobody ever all over the Earth, nobody ever created by Jehovah can claim they do not know this!

Nobody created by the LORD can ever claim they do not know that the highest revival, the most historic revival ever since the Bible was written, ever since the church was created, ever since the Earth was created is happening here now! No one can claim ignorance on that.

(2) And number two, Kenya knows very well that before the violence of 2007 December, 2008 January, I gave the prophecy of that violence all the way from 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 December, at Kapkatet, and I warned the nation, and I told Kenya, “Repent! Repent because I’ve seen the relapse days ahead of you, bad days in front of you.” And nobody can claim ignorance on that either!

And all people know that 2013 there was going to be bloodshed if the LORD did not use his Mightiest Prophet to intervene at Uhuru Park and call the entire nation into one sacred holy assembly, repentance, National Repentance and Reconciliation 2013. And the LORD prevailed and saved Kenya. So Kenya knows where to go in order to see peace, in order to surpass this big dark day ahead of them here.

Nobody in Kenya –young or small– young or old –small or big– can ever claim they do not know who to go to, to find peace! Nobody in Kenya can claim that they are not aware that Mightiest Prophet of the LORD is in this land, and if they want peace they go to him! And he will talk to Jehovah his God! And peace will prevail!

And you cannot go to another! If you go to another the LORD will see contestation, and you will be in trouble, as a nation! Everybody knows that! Nobody can claim ignorance on that! They know who to go to. They know he is available. They know how to approach him. They know how to appear before him, and put forth their plea, their supplication before him. And they know very well he can speak directly to Jehovah, and save the nation! That everybody in this land knows. Nobody can claim ignorance in this land, never! Never ever!

And so the LORD has spoken with me about a dark day in front of you here. But, you know where to go to that there may be remedy and mitigation. I am here! I even canceled all my missions! I was traveling at the same time, and I said, “No! I need to be in the land otherwise Kenya can pour! I need to be here! The presence of God needs to be here during the elections! So God has spoken, Jehovah has spoken, Jehovah Tsidkenu, Jehovah Shammah, Jehovah Nissi, Jehovah ‘Ori, He has spoken again that there is a dark day ahead of Kenya here.

And Kenya needs to seek God, and they know how to approach me so I can talk to the LORD! 2013, if I did not intervene blood was going to flow. That was obvious! I had seen the dream, also. Even now that Kenya approach the LORD, and this beautiful country, this most glorious revival nation will see even greater revival.

The dead have resurrected here, not any other country! You cannot claim ignorance and you cannot ignore the Servant of the LORD in the land! You cannot! The LORD will see contestation and He will hurt you. And that is why I will say that the celebration of the resurrection of Rosa must continue from tonight.

And for those who are in this ministry I have covered you. I took final authority and covered you with the blood of Jesus! Nothing will happen to you. God will preserve you.

But for the rest of Kenya you know where to go to. You know how to find –find me. You know how to find me, and speak with me. And then I will speak to the LORD. I will convene a sacred assembly at Uhuru Park again, and the entire nation will gather there. You know that very well: the authority God has given me.

But, for the rest in the ministry I have covered you, I took final authority today. When the LORD spoke to me in the dream, I took final authority and covered you all –with your children with your churches with everybody– with your business and name it with the blood of Jesus. But for those out there –the Kenya– they know how to find me.

May the LORD bless you as you seek wisdom Kenya, and find the Servant of the LORD.


Live via Jesusislordradio.info July 5th, 2017, by the Mightiest Prophet Dr. Owuor.

I want your listeners to know, today, that the LORD Jehovah that the LORD Jehovah has spoken with me. Again, coming to you live, today, this evening, the LORD Jehovah spoke with me yesterday at night, and in this conversation the LORD spoke about the big things that are about to happen onto this Earth.

As you are all aware now, I know that people globally are now aware that we are sitting on the verge of eternity. The church is sitting on the verge of a major visitation that is why the end revival is throbbing and blossoming and flourishing and resonating. The resonance is being felt, also, through the ends of the Earth. That is now very clear that fact is now very clear. The global revival is now taking big shape, and as we have seen in many, many occasions in the teachings that I have given across the globe, I have always read from Isaiah 26:19-21 where I have always said, very clearly, that the latter glory, the latter visitation, and the latter rain that was so well celebrated in the Bible, anticipated and highly expected that latter glory Isaiah when the LORD privileged him to see it, he called it the morning dew.

The fresh morning dew that comes to resuscitate to bring life back into the church to revive the church. And Isaiah is able to do a chronology of events relating to this latter glory when he says when the latter glory appears the latter glory is essentially to prepare the church. And then immediately after then, Isaiah he sees the shutting of the doors of heaven when the church now enter. The church enters the rooms you see in John 14:1-3. And you now see them in Isaiah 26, also, when he says, “…enter your rooms and shut the doors behind you, and hide yourself for a little while until his wrath has passed by.”

Anyhow, that letter glory the message I’m relaying here is that much as it comes much as He comes now to revive the church, big global revival, historic revival never seen before, now He also announces that time is over. And so that is why this past night the LORD came and spoke with me, and He took me to a place, and the LORD Jehovah the Father of our LORD Jesus, the LORD YHWH, the mighty God of Israel, the mighty God of Israel, He was on my right hand side, on my right hand side, He was on my right hand side, and I was standing there with Him. And then He showed me, again, the realm of death. The realm of the dead was in front of us like this. And then by voice He said –as though there was a bit of a hurry– He said, “Let us go and raise him from death back to life.”

So the LORD was telling me, “Let us go.” And He made me understand it was almost urgent. “Let us go and raise him from death back to life.”

And so, there was a man that as we went, and the LORD now allows me go ahead and speak to him to come out. The he was resurrected. So this past night the LORD spoke with me in a very, very mighty, astounding, and very shocking way. It looks like there is an escalation. There is an exponential increase now, in the glory of the LORD and the intention of the LORD to ignite this revival to unimaginable, astronomical, and heavenly proportions. And that like I said can only speak, can only bespeak the fact that time is over, and the proximity –the closeness– with which we have drawn towards the glorious coming of the Messiah, our LORD and King, our LORD Jesus Christ, our Redeemer.

Again, this past night, the LORD came and spoke with me in a very, very profound manner, in a very mighty way, in a very shocking way. And He took me to a place and then I realized that the LORD was standing on my right hand side. He was –at least His voice was coming from my right hand side– God the Father, Jehovah YHWH, Elohim, El Olam. And then He allowed me to see in front of us like this. He showed me the realm of death: people that died, someone had died in there. And then by voice He spoke, and He also made me know that it was urgent. It was –there was an urgency– there is a physical movement. I rush. I rush after that when He said, “Let us go and raise him.” He used the word ‘raise’ “…and raise him from the dead that he may resurrect.” In other words, he may live.

So, because of the urgency I saw that the LORD made me hurry, and I knew that He was also hurrying on my right hand side. And then when I reached I called out, right in front of me was the realm of the dead and I called out the young man. I don’t know whether it is a young man, but it’s a man, and raise him. Because He said, “Raise him from the dead.” So, I called him and he came out. He came out. He resurrected. And a big revival, of course, broke out at that moment in time.

And then he lived on after he had died. So now this is a serious escalation that the LORD has now brought in to play into the narrative of the Christian worship experience, into the system of our worship, as we receive it from the cross, into the paradigm of Christianity, the landscape of the church.

So now the LORD is elevating and exalting this revival, and you can see from this conversation ever since the resurrection of Rosa you can see for yourself that there is an exponential increase there is an increase, there is a deliberate and intentional escalation of this revival, which means the LORD is trying to make a point. And so these are wonderful days in which to be born again, in which to be a Christian, because the ultimate enemy that the LORD speaks about that must be defeated is death! When death must be defeated!

And I remember that many times He has spoken in the meetings that I have gone to and I have announced that I see dead body rising, dead bodies rising, some of them from coffins, and living again. These are the signs and wonders that demarcate and mark this dispensation.

And, again, like I have said it is a privilege and an honor for anyone to be in this time to witness all this that was long foreseen, and also to be part of it is even a greater privilege, and grace and blessing! So I see this past night, the LORD takes me to a place and the voice of Jehovah Elohim, the God of Israel, His voice comes from my right hand side, and makes me see right in front of me the realm of the dead. And as I looked and see the realm of the dead He tells me there was a bit of darkness there, then He tells me, “Let us go.” There was a sense of urgency I could see. “Let us…” He says, “Let us…” Him and me; it was amazing. “Let us go and raise him from the dead that he may resurrect and live.” So I remembered I hurried. There is a physical movement. I hurried and I knew the LORD was hurrying, also, and then at that point I called on the man –him that man– and he resurrected from the dead. And then a big revival broke out.

Now this comes right on the heels of the conversation two (2) day’s ago when He, again, showed me a young man wearing a white shirt that is going to die. And then when he dies in that coffin, and then the LORD is going to send me to resurrect him. And that I saw already. And then we look back into last year when I saw again a baby that is dead in the coffin that the LORD sends me toward that when I get close to the baby, the baby coughs, and resurrects from the coughing.

So really we are coming into a very, very dramatic moment. I think we are hitting the climax in preparing for the coming of the Messiah. And the message is very clear. It is a message of hope to the church. The LORD is saying that only He, Jehovah, is the LORD. I still remember when the LORD called me, and He wrote for me a scripture on the wall. And it’s amazing because that was Fourth of July, 4th of July, (July 4th) and He wrote scripture on the wall –during same time I’m discussing this now today, yes– He wrote scripture on the wall with his finger like this.

And He wrote Isaiah 43:1 and then verse 11 (Isa 43:11) but He made sure that eleven (11 begins first. So it became Isaiah 43:11 and verse one (Isa 43:1) in that order. And if you look at the scripture on verse eleven (11), because later I understood verse eleven (11) was actually introducing Himself, and verse one (1) was now the calling. So verse eleven (11) says, Isa 43:11, “I, even I, am the LORD, and apart from me there is no savior.”

So the LORD is using this revival now and the resurrection of the dead in a very tremendous way right now to tell all the nations, and all the peoples of this Earth that there is no other God except Jehovah the holy God of Israel. Because He says, “I, even I, am the LORD, and apart from me there is no savior.”

And so, He is bringing this to the nations. He is bringing this to a world that is dying, a world that is looking for solutions, a world where you see even young man from Israel are going –after the army– they normally go to the east to sit on mount Everest, and worship the sun, the eastern gods, all this. He is telling a world that is seeking for God that is seeking for true worship He is telling them that now it has been solved!

Now that question of which God to worship has now been solved, because He is saying that only Jehovah is God, and only He alone can resurrect the dead!

So, only He alone is worthy of being worshiped! That is the reason the LORD is bringing forth this major resurrection glory at this hour with His Servant that the nations may get it very clear that there is no other God. “I, even I, am the LORD, and apart from me there is no savior.” We are witnessing a very tremendous time.

One of the developments, for example, that I would like to share with you on Rosa that was resurrected. Resurrected coming fifteen (15) days now; alive still and well, and the doctors who are watching her also very mesmerized by this new phenomenon, so they are really interested to go and see her, and see how she is doing after death, you know? Living normally and eating. And we were told yesterday, the reports from the doctors told us that for the fourteen (14) days –she lived for fourteen (14) days– eating well and drinking after she died, and she did not go to the restroom for fourteen (14) days. Only yesterday, she went to the restroom. And the doctors had to report that.

So we are living through a phenomenon, and the LORD does this deliberately to really show that her system had also collapsed, and all that, but it is a wonder. This is a wonder that we are living through, and ever since she died only yesterday was the first time she stood up and walked. So we are living through the resurrection authority of the Bible and of the LORD!

I have seen the LORD Jehovah sending me to a place, and the voice of the Father comes from my right hand side, and He shows me the realm of the dead; some people have died there, and there is a young man there. There is a man there. I don’t know why I keep calling him young man? And the LORD says, “Let us go and raise him.” He uses the word ‘raise’ and “…raise him from the dead that he may resurrect and live.” And there was a hurry. So, I see myself hurrying and I was aware that the presence of the LORD was hurrying with me. And then when I gained I called him out. And he came from death and he resurrected and there was a big revival!

The Messiah is coming. This is he about whom the prophet Malachi wrote that this is the hour at which the LORD would turn the hearts of the children back to their parents, and the hearts of the nations back to our Father.

Shalom, Toda Rabah, Erev Tov!


Live via Jesusislordradio.info July 3rd, 2017, by the Mightiest Prophet Dr. Owuor.

Jehovah has spoken with me and that’s why am coming to you live now that your listeners may know, world over, your global listenership the listeners in this country, those in the islands, the continents, and everywhere across this globe.

The LORD spoke with me yesterday in a very tremendous dream. And in this conversation the LORD spoke to me about events about to happen. And I know that right now we are sitting at a very, very powerful threshold; a revival has blasted out in this land. And the visitation of the LORD is so big in the house of the LORD. And yesterday, the LORD has moved this a little bit further now, and He took me to a place where I stood. And then He showed me the realm of the dead, the realm of death; sheol the realm of death. And inside that realm of death He showed me a young man that will die, and he is wearing whitish shirt. I can see his shirt is whitish, and then he dies and goes into the realm of death, the world of the dead, so to-say, so-called.

And then after that the LORD causes me to call him back to life, and then he instantly resurrects, and when he resurrects and he comes to me, then I am able now to speak with him and tell him that “You see now, you have now not died. Live to go glorify the LORD Jesus in your life.” So I see another resurrection a tremendous resurrection that will take place.

It looks like the LORD is going to use His Servant to again resurrect another body, a dead body; but, this time I see a young man. He is wearing a whitish shirt. I do not know whether it is dotted with small flowers in there, because I can see some details –and tapped in– and then he dies.

And then the LORD sends His Servant, the Mightiest Prophet, to resurrect him and then calls him out from the realm of the dead, and then give him back his life. And then a tremendous celebration breaks out!

This can only tell me that the LORD is going to escalate the current revival that has begun. We are now celebrating the big, big, big resurrection of mama Rosa, from South Pokot. The one that the LORD resurrected in a powerful way. And when you see at that moment when she was resurrected, you see that as she resurrects her hands are still stuck together, and stiff. The hands that were as stiff as wood that the daughter and the husband were trying to fold back, but stiff. So the hands were still as stiff as wood. And you see that from her eyes and her face when she had just come from the dead. And it is such a tremendous site to behold, at this hour. It is also very humbling to be the generation that lives to see these wonder workings of God that spell –that define– the dispensational threshold we are living in today, on the verge of eternity, for the coming of the Messiah.

So, I see again another resurrection. The LORD will send me to a place. He sends His Servant there and he resurrects a young man. I think –somebody probably in his 20’s or so– and he wears a white shirt, but it is dotted. I see some fine detail. I don’t know if the dots are with blue, dark navy blue flowers or so forth, but, it is still white, small, small decorations in the white, un-tucked, and the LORD causes His Servant to call him from the realm of the dead, and to call him back, and give him back his life!

So it is going to be a very tremendous time in the history of the church. This is going to change the landscape in the church, totally. And the narrative of the Christian worship experience even as we now veer this homestretch, veer into this homestretch towards the coming of the Messiah, and the eternity of the church.

But this also has reminded me of yet another prophecy I gave last year, when the LORD last year, again, spoke with me. And in that conversation, He takes me to a place where a little child dies. A child dies –I think about seven or so– and then that child, I think is in a coffin –I don’t know whether it is in a coffin– the child dies and then the LORD sends His Servant there to resurrect this child. And then this child when the man of God gets close to the child, then the child coughs. And I think that prophecy is on YouTube. We put it already on the web. The child coughs and comes back to life. And then there is now the second prophecy last year on the resurrection is a man.

And I am wondering whether this is the man that I saw then that the LORD has brought forward here. But this tells us that time is over. And as the body of Christ the church of Christ, world over, it is really the moment for us to embrace righteousness, to embrace holiness, to make amends of our ways. To now live a holier and holy Christian lifestyle –a life of fasting, to change our dressing, the women the men, even our sons towards sin.

At this moment the LORD is using these events to trumpet and evangelize the fact that there has to be zero tolerance to sin, because were on the verge of eternity. The LORD is speaking in very, very clear terms to the church of Christ world over. He is saying the Messiah is coming, the signs are here, and this is he about home it was written in Scripture that see I send my messenger ahead of you to prepare your way before the day of the LORD.

So at this hour all people are very much aware that the LORD is calling the nations to repentance. He is calling the church to repentance. He is calling the pulpits to repentance, and reform their ways, and preach the standard threshold gospel, the gospel that the LORD gave us as the standard: the gospel of holiness to help the people under their jurisdiction; as pastors, as shepherds that they may build forth a people unto the LORD.

Again, the LORD yesterday spoke with me about a young man that is going to resurrect, and this I don’t know when it will take place. All I know is that right now we have just begun a major, major, major, major celebration on the resurrection of Rosa! When the LORD put deep compassion and sorrow in my heart upon receiving that text from the husband that she had passed on, that she had lost her breath, and she was gone. And then the LORD said, “It is well.” Now you can be at peace, in other words, I have taken charge. I have taken authority over this now we can rest all is going to be well. And then she coughs and sneezes, and resurrects!

So this is big. This is very big that the church can live to see this dispensation. And I know that this past weekend the whole nation of Kenya was set up ablaze, literally set a aflame, set alight by the flames of the glory of the LORD, the resurrection glory of Jesus.

And like has been said these flames are meant to incinerate, to burn to completion the sinful affections of man, the sinful affections of their heart, and to reconform them to the image and the likeness of God.

We all know too well that even as the flames that were consuming the bush –did consume the bush– then the LORD called Moses. And that the LORD did speak so much about that when He was calling Moses. And at that time the LORD Jehovah essentially implied that this latter glory of revival –He foretold it in that flame, in that burning– that this latter glory of the latter revival that the church, you the church would contain, you would carry this flame: the dreadful flames of the Holy Spirit. And yet you would not be consumed!

So Revelation 21:3 says, “Behold the dwelling of God is now a man.” So that calls for holiness, righteousness, it is the high standard for the church. I have seen the Messiah coming. And now the LORD has shown me that there is going to be this escalation of the revival that He has initiated. And I’ve seen the place He is sending me to, and there will be a resurrection of a young man.

I have seen the resurrection of a baby, of a baby that will come up, also a corpse, and resurrect. So, may those who have ears know that this is the hour to prepare the way, and that this is the voice crying out in the wilderness, “Prepare ye the way of the LORD!”

Be holy, and embrace righteousness, and live a separated life. Remember, I told you too well from Helsinki, when I said, “Good intentions for any irreverent act or any act that assumes ignorance on the ordinances of the LORD can never in anyway consecrate a sinful act. (It) cannot consecrate sin. So let us just stick to righteousness to holiness and have zero tolerance to sin.

May the LORD bless you as you prepare for the glorious coming of the Messiah. I bless the church of Christ world over.

I now have received a huge invitation from the church in the United States of America, and I am now asking the LORD to give His leading on this. And I will know in the next few days. But I can see that there is a greater hunger. This revival that broke out in Kenya is beyond the borders of Kenya. Every nation is going to partake of this visitation. May the LORD bless you.
